Louisiana Tech University Senate – February Minutes

Monday, February 19th at 4:00-5:00 pm, Wyly Auditorium

  1. Call to Order – The February 19, 2024 meeting of the University Senate was called to order at 4:02 p.m. in Wyly Auditorium by President, Louis Reis.
  2. Welcome – President, Louis Reis, COES
  3. Roll Call – Alicia Kimbell recorded attendance; a quorum was met
  4. Approval of January 2024 Minutes – a motion to approve the minutes was made and seconded; all approved
  5. Cami Geisman – Executive Vice President for External Affairs
    1. Personal introduction
    2. Talking to legislature and making sure they know what we need
    3. Spending time with University Communications
      1. Looking at structure
      2. Podcasts
      3. Lots of good work
    4. Storyteller to policy makers
      1. Aggressively advocating for this institution
    5. Early initiatives on updating university website
      1. Committee has been put together to work on launching a new website redesign
      2. Committee meets next week
      3. Target date for website launch is before Fall Quarter begins
    6. Legislative session starts March 11th
      1. Focus is capital outlay
        1. GTM, new Forestry Center, new CTH
    7. Questions from Senate Members
  1. Updates
    1. Policy 1455 – Parental Leave
      1. Different from Policy 1426 – Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993
        1. Louis Reis emailed the question to APC: How will these two policies stack up against each other?
        2. When leave happens, how does the hole of the person being out affect the department?
          1. Would this be a question for Dr. Henderson or the Provost?
        3. Policy 1427 – Crisis Leave Program
          1. Will Policy 1455 also conflict with this policy?
    2. Data Governance Committee Update – Jim Palmer
      1. Have met one time
      2. Collecting information to understand what potential things people are doing that could be impacted from losing CICS
      3. Collecting information on who’s the owner of what data
        1. What is the primary data source?
    3. Meeting with Dr. Henderson
      1. How to improve the efficiency of OSP?
      2. Move forward with committee next academic year
      3. March Meeting – State of University Address to senate members
    4. Senate Awards
      1. When we return from quarter break, Louis Reis will send out a campus-wide email requesting nominations
      2. Need a group for vetting these individuals
        1. 106 nominations last year
        2. Need 3-5 nominations for each award
    5. QEP Update
      1. April meeting – QEP update from marketing team
        1. Launch Fall 2025
  2. Adjournment
    1. A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 4:53 p.m.; all approved