Louisiana Tech University Senate – March Minutes

Monday, March 25th at 4:00-5:00 pm, Wyly Auditorium

  1. Call to Order – The March 25, 2024 meeting of the University Senate was called to order at 4:01 p.m. in Wyly Auditorium by President, Louis Reis.
  2. Welcome – President, Louis Reis, COES
  3. Roll Call – Alicia Kimbell recorded attendance; a quorum was met
  4. Approval of February 2024 Minutes – a motion to approve the minutes was made and seconded; all approved
  5. Senate Awards
    1. Nomination form for faculty and staff awards closed at 1 p.m. today
      1. Faculty nominations
        1. Senate members reviewed nominations
        2. Took any additional nominations for colleges not represented
        3. Will vet the entire list to determine if nominee qualifies for award
        4. Senate members not from a specific college will caucus with the college of their choice
        5. Closed faculty nominations
      2. Staff nominations
        1. Senate members reviewed nominations
        2. Opened up to senate for additional nominations
        3. Closed staff nominations
      3. Volunteers to help with faculty/staff vetting
        1. Two weeks to complete vetting
        2. Will send out a survey for selecting award finalists
  1. Climate Survey
    1. Christie Fuller’s presentation on 2/19
      1. The results were university funded
    2. Should the results be posted on public domain, University Senate website, or leave in the Senate archives?
      1. Proposed to send out email to faculty/staff & allow this data to be made available by request
        1. Keep data on Canvas and anyone that requests this information from a senator can have access
        2. Senate members voted: Approved with one opposition
      2. Open-Ended data
        1. Compiled by Marcia Dickerson
        2. Grouped by categories
        3. Parenthesis by each statement includes the number of times a similar response was made by those taking the survey
        4. Senate members looked at each category to determine which responses were to be considered priority
        5. Louis Reis will be meeting with Dr. Henderson Thursday afternoon and would like to give this revised information to him to review
    3. Meeting with Dr. Henderson
      1. Planning to see if Dr. Henderson will be available to speak at the April senate meeting.
  2. Adjournment
    1. A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 5:15 p.m.; all approved