Louisiana Tech University Senate – March Minutes
Monday, March 25th at 4:00-5:00 pm, Wyly Auditorium
- Call to Order – The March 25, 2024 meeting of the University Senate was called to order at 4:01 p.m. in Wyly Auditorium by President, Louis Reis.
- Welcome – President, Louis Reis, COES
- Roll Call – Alicia Kimbell recorded attendance; a quorum was met
- Approval of February 2024 Minutes – a motion to approve the minutes was made and seconded; all approved
- Senate Awards
- Nomination form for faculty and staff awards closed at 1 p.m. today
- Faculty nominations
- Senate members reviewed nominations
- Took any additional nominations for colleges not represented
- Will vet the entire list to determine if nominee qualifies for award
- Senate members not from a specific college will caucus with the college of their choice
- Closed faculty nominations
- Staff nominations
- Senate members reviewed nominations
- Opened up to senate for additional nominations
- Closed staff nominations
- Volunteers to help with faculty/staff vetting
- Two weeks to complete vetting
- Will send out a survey for selecting award finalists
- Faculty nominations
- Nomination form for faculty and staff awards closed at 1 p.m. today
- Climate Survey
- Christie Fuller’s presentation on 2/19
- The results were university funded
- Should the results be posted on public domain, University Senate website, or leave in the Senate archives?
- Proposed to send out email to faculty/staff & allow this data to be made available by request
- Keep data on Canvas and anyone that requests this information from a senator can have access
- Senate members voted: Approved with one opposition
- Open-Ended data
- Compiled by Marcia Dickerson
- Grouped by categories
- Parenthesis by each statement includes the number of times a similar response was made by those taking the survey
- Senate members looked at each category to determine which responses were to be considered priority
- Louis Reis will be meeting with Dr. Henderson Thursday afternoon and would like to give this revised information to him to review
- Proposed to send out email to faculty/staff & allow this data to be made available by request
- Meeting with Dr. Henderson
- Planning to see if Dr. Henderson will be available to speak at the April senate meeting.
- Christie Fuller’s presentation on 2/19
- Adjournment
- A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 5:15 p.m.; all approved