Louisiana Tech University Senate – November Minutes

Monday, November 13 at 4:00-5:00 pm, Wyly Auditorium

  1. Call to Order – The November 13, 2023 meeting of the University Senate was called to order at 4:01 p.m. in Wyly Auditorium by President, Louis Reis.
  2. Welcome – President, Louis Reis, COES
  3. Roll Call – Alicia Kimbell recorded attendance; a quorum was met
  4. Approval of October 2023 Minutes – a motion to approve the minutes was made by Matt Hartmann and seconded by Dustin Whitlock; all approved
  5. Incident at Lambright
    1. Suspect has been formally charged
    2. Blood Drive scheduled for Thursday, 11/16, outside Tolliver Hall
    3. Black Student Union will host a community prayer vigil on Tuesday, 11/14, in the Quad
  1. Henderson’s Visit to Campus
    1. Visited with some of the senate members on Friday, 11/10
    2. Will be making weekly visits to campus until January
  1. University Senate Faculty and Staff Survey – updates by Marcia Dickerson
    1. Survey sent out last week and will be open until 11/19
    2. 225 responses so far
    3. Email reminder will be sent out this week
    4. QR code was sent to maintenance areas for easier access to the survey
    5. 3rd party will review results and perform an analysis of common themes noted in the survey
    6. Plan to give the results to Dr. Henderson in December
  1. Deficiency Exam Revisions
    1. There is a lack of guidance in current catalog; not all departments enforce equally
    2. Timetable for exam request and process are covered in revised policy
    3. What does the exam have to look like?
    4. Senate will wait and have Dr. Henderson and the new provost look at the proposed revision options
  1. Upcoming Meetings
    1. Senate would like to have Dr. Henderson possibly speak at the April meeting
      1. Would like for him to take his time looking over the campus survey to get a feel of the issued faced on campus
      2. Communicate to the senate what might change as a result
    2. Senate members to look at survey results at December meeting
    3. Possibly ask Dr. Sumeet Dua to speak at January meeting regarding OSP and LTRI
    4. Keri King may update on QEP team’s progress at December meeting
      1. QEP design team will meet this Wednesday, 11/15
      2. SACSCOC review will be the last week in March 2025
        1. If approved, will implement QEP in Fall 2025
  1. Research Excellence Awards
    1. Email sent out to faculty/staff on 11/10 from Sumeet Dua
    2. Excludes certain faculty depending on award criteria
      1. Wording needs to be changed to open up to all faculty which contribute to research and scholarly activities; faculty in some departments may not be able to meet all the criteria for the awards
    3. Louis will reach out to Sumeet to find out more about award intentions
  1. Adjournment
    1. A motion was made by Mikey Swanbom and Patsy Hughey to adjourn the meeting at 4:53 p.m.; all approved