Louisiana Tech University Senate – October Minutes
Monday, October 23 at 4:00-5:00 pm, Wyly Auditorium
- Call to Order – The October 23, 2023 meeting of the University Senate was called to order at 4:02 p.m. in Wyly Auditorium by President, Louis Reis.
- Welcome – President, Louis Reis, COES
- Roll Call – Alicia Kimbell recorded attendance; a quorum was met
- Approval of September 2023 Minutes – a motion to approve the minutes was made by Matt Hartmann and seconded by Ann Clifton; all approved
- Louis Reis reached out to Elizabeth Pierre, Chair of the UL Board of Supervisors, and invited her to attend this meeting by Zoom; received no response
- Tom Hoover and Whitney Sivils-Sawyer –Updates on Canvas
- We are moving to Canvas as an institution
- 5-year contract
- Able to migrate 5,000 courses in the system
- UL System – six schools are moving to Canvas so far
- Opt in/out by April 1, 2024
- UL system paying for it for 3 years
- 645 classes were made live in Canvas in Fall Quarter
- Training
- Virtual training happening tomorrow, 10/24
- 11/7 and 11/8 will be in-person training
- Have already had 31 training sessions so far
- 371 faculty have registered for training
- Benefits
- 24/7 support
- Instructional designers
- Portfolio product built in
- More advanced than Moodle
- Responses to senate member questions
- Will have to do the same migration this coming Spring, Summer, and Fall Quarters to make sure all of the courses are moved over
- Would like to turn Moodle off on 6/30/23
- Everything will be backed up with a local version available for access
- Students won’t have access
- Top Hat application for attendance (working on it)
- Integrated into Canvas
- Would like to do a pilot to see if it works since there is a cost
- Can do more things than the Poll Everywhere app
- New CIT website for training/resources; e-mail Whitney with questions at cit@latech.edu
- Meeting with Dr. Henderson on 10/19
- Some of the members of the senate executive committee met with Dr. Henderson prior to the Town Hall Meeting
- Gave a copy of the climate survey the EC sub-committee prepared; he read through it and is glad this is being done
- Hoping to launch the survey in November after IRB review
- The answers/statements he made in public at the Town Hall Meeting were very similar to those made in private with the EC
- Seemed knowledgeable of the challenges being faced
- Was emailed budget information and he sent a response
- Commitment to shared governance
- Exhibited poise through the hard-hitting questions
- Gave a copy of the climate survey the EC sub-committee prepared; he read through it and is glad this is being done
- Some of the members of the senate executive committee met with Dr. Henderson prior to the Town Hall Meeting
- NSU Resolution
- Is the Louisiana Tech senate interested?
- Memo suggesting the formation of a UL System Senate
- Would like a member of UL senate to be appointed to the board
- Currently no faculty/staff representative on the UL Board
- May have a formal vote for this in November
- Memo suggesting the formation of a UL System Senate
- Is the Louisiana Tech senate interested?
- Adjournment
- A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 4:59 p.m.; all approved