Alphabetical listing

Dr. Heidi L. Adams

Associate Professor of Wildlife Habitat Management, Certified Wildlife Biologist, Frank Merritt Endowed Professor for Forestry

Department: Agricultural Sciences and Forestry

Office: Reese Hall 201

Phone: 318.257.2947

Fax: 318.257.4288

Email: hadams@latech.edu

SelectedWorks Profile

Dr. Joshua P. Adams

Professor, Academic Program Chair – Forestry

Department: Agricultural Sciences and Forestry

Office: Lomax 13

Phone: 318.257.4457

Fax: 318.257.4288

Email: adamsj@latech.edu

Jamie Bahm

Assistant Professor

Department: Health Informatics and Information Management

Office: Wyly Tower 1124

Phone: 318.257.3209

Fax: 318.257.4896

Email: jbahm@latech.edu

Dewanna Blake

Associate Professor

Department: Nursing

Office: GTM 368

Phone: 318.257.3002

Fax: 318.257.4569

Email: dblake@latech.edu

SelectedWorks Profile

Courtney Boothe


Department: Biological Sciences

Office: CTHL 127

Email: cboothe@latech.edu

Dr. Matthew Bryan

Professor, Audiology Clinical Services Director

Departments: School of Communication Sciences and Disorders, The Speech and Hearing Center

Office: Robinson Hall 214

Phone: 318.257.3102

Fax: 318.257.4492

Email: mbryan@latech.edu

Melinda F Bryan Ph.D., CCC-A

Professor, Program Director for Doctor of Audiology

Departments: School of Communication Sciences and Disorders, The Speech and Hearing Center

Office: Robinson Hall 214A

Phone: 318.257.2146

Fax: 318.257.4492

Email: melinda@latech.edu

Dr. Simone Camel

Associate Professor

Department: Biological Sciences

Office: CTLH 149D

Phone: 318.257.3952

Fax: 318.257.4014

Email: camels@latech.edu

Dr. William J. Campbell


Departments: Biological Sciences, Center for Biomedical Engineering and Rehabilitation Sciences

Office: CTLH 213B

Phone: 318.257.4141

Fax: 318.257.4574

Email: campbell@latech.edu

Rebecca Clark

Assistant Professor

Department: Nursing

Office: GTM 310

Phone: 318.257.2200

Fax: 318.257.4569

Email: rclark@latech.edu

Lauren Deal Colvin

Adjunct Instructor

Department: Health Informatics and Information Management

Office: Wyly Tower 1122

Phone: 318.257.3205

Fax: 318.257.4896

Email: lcolvin@latech.edu

Candace W. Cooper

Accounting Technician

Department: Agricultural Sciences and Forestry

Office: Reese 101

Phone: 318.257.4986

Email: cwcooper@latech.edu

Dr. Michael Crosby

Associate Professor, Geographic Information Science

Department: Agricultural Sciences and Forestry

Office: Lomax 14

Phone: 318.257.4724

Fax: 318.257.4288

Email: mcrosby@latech.edu

SelectedWorks Profile

Mickii Drake

Administrative Assistant 3

Department: Agricultural Sciences and Forestry

Office: Reese 111

Phone: 318.257.2303

Email: mdrake@latech.edu

Dr. Prerna Dua

Professor, Program Director for Masters in Health Informatics

Department: Health Informatics and Information Management

Office: WYLT 1127

Phone: 318.257.2862

Fax: 318.257.4896

Email: prerna@latech.edu

SelectedWorks Profile

Dr. Julia E. Earl

Associate Professor

Department: Biological Sciences

Office: CTLH 123

Phone: 318.257.2667

Fax: 318.257.4574

Email: jearl@latech.edu

SelectedWorks Profile

Abigail Fertal CCC-SLP

Instructor, Speech Pathology

Departments: School of Communication Sciences and Disorders, The Speech and Hearing Center

Office: Robinson 316

Phone: 318.257.2588

Email: afertal@latech.edu

Dr. Mary Catherine Fontenot

Associate Professor

Department: Biological Sciences

Office: CTLH 145

Phone: 318.257.2881

Fax: 318.257.4014

Email: maryf@latech.edu

Jennifer Futrell

Accounting Specialist 2

Department: Agricultural Sciences and Forestry

Office: Reese Hall 111

Phone: 318.257.3275

Email: jenf@latech.edu

Dr. Rebecca Giorno-McConnell


Departments: Biological Sciences, Center for Biomedical Engineering and Rehabilitation Sciences

Office: CTLH 219

Phone: 318.257.3665

Fax: 318.257.4574

Email: rgiorno@latech.edu

Jonathan Goertz


Department: Biological Sciences

Office: CTH 201

Email: jgo011@latech.edu

Mary Green

Administrative Coordinator III

Department: School of Communication Sciences and Disorders

Office: Robinson Hall 306

Phone: 318.257.4765

Fax: 318.257.4492

Email: meg@latech.edu

Dr. Adam Handy

Assistant Professor and Veterinarian, Animal Science

Department: Agricultural Sciences and Forestry

Office: Reese 107

Phone: 318.257.2328

Email: ahandy@latech.edu

Dr. Brenda Heiman

Director, Speech Pathology and Audiology

Department: School of Communication Sciences and Disorders

Office: Robinson 306

Phone: 318.257.4764

Fax: 318.257.4492

Email: bheiman@latech.edu

Brittney Helton

Assistant Professor

Department: Nursing

Office: GTM 318

Phone: 318.257.2333

Fax: 318.257.4569

Email: bhelt@latech.edu

Whitney Hester

Administrative Coordinator III

Departments: School of Communication Sciences and Disorders, The Speech and Hearing Center

Office: Robinson Hall 112

Phone: 318.257.4766

Fax: 318.257.4492

Email: whester@latech.edu

Dr. Jennifer Hill

Associate Professor

Department: Biological Sciences

Office: CTLH 119

Phone: 318.257.2359

Fax: 318.257.4574

Email: jmhill@latech.edu

Rebecca Hodnett

Laboratory Manager

Department: Biological Sciences

Office: CTLH 132

Phone: 318.257.2084

Email: rmhod@latech.edu

Dr. A. Gordon Holley

Professor, Forestry

Department: Agricultural Sciences and Forestry

Office: Reese Hall 208

Phone: 318.257.4926

Fax: 318.257.4288

Email: gholley@latech.edu

Ms. Jennifer Hollis

Administrative Assistant

Department: Office of the Dean - ANS

Office: PML 913

Phone: 318.257.4287

Fax: 318.257.5060

Email: jhollis@latech.edu

Dr. Donna Hood

Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies and Professor in Nursing

Departments: Nursing, Office of the Dean - ANS

Office: PML 913

Phone: 318.257.4287

Fax: 318.257.5060

Email: dhood@latech.edu

SelectedWorks Profile

Yolanda Hoof

Associate Professor

Department: Nursing

Office: GTM 314

Phone: 318.257.2052

Fax: 318.257.4569

Email: yhoof@latech.edu

Penny Humphries

ANS Director of Development, Alumni Foundation, Adjunct Instructor, Fashion

Departments: Human Ecology, Office of the Dean - ANS

Office: CTLH 265

Phone: 318.257.5479

Fax: 318.257.4014

Email: penny@latech.edu

Maxwell Hyde

Instructor, Greenhouse Laboratory Supervisor

Department: Agricultural Sciences and Forestry

Phone: 318.257.2918

Email: mhyde@latech.edu

Norlyn Branham Hyde

Skills Lab Instructor

Department: Nursing

Office: GTM 376

Phone: 318.257.5252

Fax: 318.257.4569

Email: nhyde@latech.edu

Dr. D. Paul Jackson

Ray and Dorothy Young Professor of Plant Science, Interim Director

Department: Agricultural Sciences and Forestry

Office: Reese Hall 124

Phone: 318.257.2412

Fax: 318.257.4288

Email: pjackson@latech.edu

SelectedWorks Profile

Vanessa Johnson

Associate Professor/Coordinator of Medical Laboratory Science

Department: Biological Sciences

Office: CTLH 109

Phone: 318.257.2821

Fax: 318.257.4574

Email: vjohnson@latech.edu

Roxie Jordan

Greenhouse Assistant

Department: Agricultural Sciences and Forestry

Phone: 318.257.2918

Email: greenhouse@latech.edu

Becky Kaase

Administrative Assistant 3

Department: Biological Sciences

Office: CTLH 215

Phone: 318.257.2353

Fax: 318.257.4574

Email: rkaase@latech.edu

Track Kavanaugh

Instructor, Agricultural Education

Department: Agricultural Sciences and Forestry

Office: Reese Hall 104

Phone: 318.257.2444

Fax: 318.257.4288

Email: track@latech.edu

Juliana Kemege


Department: Biological Sciences

Office: CTHL 125

Phone: 318.257.2749

Email: jkemege@latech.edu

Dr. Kyle Kemege

Senior Lecturer

Department: Biological Sciences

Office: CTLH 211

Phone: 318.257.2664

Fax: 318.257.4574

Email: kkemege@latech.edu

Dr. Gary A. Kennedy

Dean, College of Applied and Natural Sciences and Professor, Agricultural Business

Departments: Agricultural Sciences and Forestry, Office of the Dean - ANS

Office: PML 913

Phone: 318.257.4287

Fax: 318.257.5060

Email: kennedy@latech.edu

SelectedWorks Profile

Brittany Killins

Assistant Professor

Department: Nursing

Office: GTM 308

Phone: 318.257.2766

Fax: 318.257.4569

Email: bkillins@latech.edu

Carrie L. Knight

Assistant Professor, Speech Pathology

Departments: School of Communication Sciences and Disorders, The Speech and Hearing Center

Office: Robinson Hall 309

Phone: 318.257.2070

Email: cknight@latech.edu

Qaweeyat Kolawole-Aresa

Administrative Coordinator 3

Department: Biological Sciences

Office: CTHL 247

Phone: 318.257.2332

Email: kolawole@latech.edu

Cheryl Leachman

Instructor, Speech Pathology

Departments: School of Communication Sciences and Disorders, The Speech and Hearing Center

Office: Robinson 320

Phone: 318.257.2781

Fax: 318.257.4492

Email: leachman@latech.edu

Amanda Lewis

Administrative Coordinator III

Department: Health Informatics and Information Management

Office: Wyly Tower 1112

Phone: 318.257.2340

Fax: 318.257.4896

Email: alewis@latech.edu

Emory Long

Instructor, Speech Pathology Clinic Coordinator

Departments: School of Communication Sciences and Disorders, The Speech and Hearing Center

Office: Robinson Hall 317

Phone: 318.257.2119

Email: elong@latech.edu

Dr. Melissa Madden

Assistant Professor, RN-BSN Program Chair

Department: Nursing

Office: GTM 326

Phone: 318.257.2174

Fax: 318.257.4569

Email: melisama@latech.edu

Meredith Magee

Assistant Professor

Department: Health Informatics and Information Management

Office: WYLT 1120

Phone: 318.257.3030

Fax: 318.257.4896

Email: magee@latech.edu

Dr. Terri Maness

Professor, Environmental Science Program Coordinator

Department: Biological Sciences

Office: CTLH 203

Phone: 318.257.2724

Fax: 318.257.4574

Email: tmaness@latech.edu

Michelle Martin

Department Head, Professor

Department: Health Informatics and Information Management

Office: WYLT 1114

Phone: 318.257.2837

Fax: 318.257.4896

Email: Mmartin@latech.edu

Morgan J McCullin

Administrative Clerk

Department: Louisiana Tech Meat Science Laboratory

Phone: 318.257.3550

Email: morganm@latech.edu

Lori McCullough

Administrative Coordinator

Department: Office of the Dean - ANS

Office: PML 913

Phone: 318.257.4287

Email: lorim@latech.edu

Dr. Patti McFadden


Department: Nursing

Office: GTM 148

Phone: 318.257.3109

Fax: 318.257.4569

Email: pattim@latech.edu

SelectedWorks Profile

Heather McKenzie

Assistant Professor / Dietetic Intern Director

Department: Biological Sciences

Office: CTLH 149E

Phone: 318.257.2370

Email: mckenzie@latech.edu

Dr. Sarah McVay

Associate Professor

Department: Nursing

Office: GTM 366

Phone: 318.257.4189

Fax: 318.257.4569

Email: smcvay@latech.edu

SelectedWorks Profile

Shawn Moss

Instructor, Speech Pathology

Departments: School of Communication Sciences and Disorders, The Speech and Hearing Center

Office: Robinson Hall 319

Phone: 318.257.2693

Fax: 318.257.4492

Email: stmoss@latech.edu

Dr. Mark W. Murphey

Academic Program Chair Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor Animal Science, Holder of the Agricultural Sciences Endowed Professorship

Department: Agricultural Sciences and Forestry

Office: Reese Hall 108

Phone: 318.257.2457

Fax: 318.257.4288

Email: murphey@latech.edu

SelectedWorks Profile

Dr. Nan Nan

Assistant Professor, Forestry

Department: Agricultural Sciences and Forestry

Office: Reese Hall 211

Phone: 318.257.2820

Email: nnan@latech.edu

Kristin Marie Nellenbach Ph.D., CCC-SLP

Adjunct, Speech Pathology

Department: School of Communication Sciences and Disorders

Office: Robinson Hall

Email: kmnellen@latech.edu

Dr. Gergana Nestorova

Associate Professor/MSNT Program Chair

Departments: Biological Sciences, Center for Biomedical Engineering and Rehabilitation Sciences

Office: CTLH111/BMEB232

Phone: 318.257.5230

Fax: 318.257.4574

Email: ggnestor@latech.edu

Dr. Jamie Newman

Professor, Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies, College of Applied and Natural Sciences

Department: Biological Sciences

Office: CTLH 242

Phone: 318.257.2622

Fax: 318.257.4574

Email: jjnewman@latech.edu

Carol Owens

Associate Professor

Department: Nursing

Office: GTM 150

Phone: 318.257.3105

Fax: 318.257.4569

Email: cowens@latech.edu

SelectedWorks Profile

Carter Parks

Assistant Greenhouse Lab Supervisor

Department: Agricultural Sciences and Forestry

Phone: 318.257.2918

Email: greenhouse@latech.edu

Harmony Patel

Assistant Professor, MHI

Department: Health Informatics and Information Management

Office: WYLT 1125

Phone: 318.257.2839

Fax: 318.257.4896

Email: hpatel@latech.edu

Dr. William B. Patterson

Associate Professor, Forestry

Department: Agricultural Sciences and Forestry

Office: Lomax 16

Phone: 318.257.2879

Fax: 318.257.4288

Email: wpatter@latech.edu

SelectedWorks Profile

Dr. Sherry Peveto

Director, Assistant Professor

Department: Nursing

Office: GTM 139

Phone: 318.257.3101

Email: speveto@latech.edu

Dr. Kerrilyn Phillips

Professor, Speech Pathology, MA SLP Program Director

Departments: School of Communication Sciences and Disorders, The Speech and Hearing Center

Office: Robinson 313

Phone: 318.257.2586

Fax: 318.257.4492

Email: kphillip@latech.edu

Denise Pyles

Assistant Professor

Department: Nursing

Office: GTM 370

Phone: 318.257.3033

Fax: 318.257.4569

Email: lpyles@latech.edu

Halie Ray

Administrative Coordinator 3

Department: Biological Sciences

Office: CTLH 213A

Phone: 318.257.2958

Email: hray@latech.edu

Gorden E. Reger

Instructor, Meat Lab Supervisor

Department: Agricultural Sciences and Forestry

Office: Meat Laboratory

Phone: 318.257.4220

Fax: 318.257.4288

Email: greger@latech.edu

Dr. Sherrie Roberson

Associate Professor

Department: Nursing

Office: GTM 316

Phone: 318.257.3076

Fax: 318.257.4569

Email: sherrie@latech.edu

SelectedWorks Profile

Tonya Roberts

Administrative Assistant III

Department: Health Informatics and Information Management

Office: WYLT 1113

Phone: 318.257.2341

Fax: 318.257.4896

Email: trae@latech.edu

Shawna C. Sampson

Administrative Coordinator

Department: Nursing

Phone: 318.257.3101

Fax: 318.257.4569

Email: ssampson@latech.edu

Dr. Masood Sepehrimanesh

Assistant Professor, Cell and Molecular Biology

Department: Biological Sciences

Office: CTLH 209

Phone: 318.257.3193

Email: masoods@latech.edu

D’eane Sheehan


Department: Biological Sciences

Office: CTLH 207

Phone: 318.257.2668

Fax: 318.257.4574

Email: dsheehan@latech.edu

Kelsey Shoemaker

Research Associate, Forestry

Department: Agricultural Sciences and Forestry

Office: Reese 126

Phone: 318.257.2773

Email: kds054@latech.edu

Dr. Jeff Shultz

Associate Professor

Department: Biological Sciences

Office: CTLH 120

Phone: 318.257.2753

Fax: 318.257.4574

Email: jlshultz@latech.edu

Dr. Tanya Sims


Department: Nursing

Office: GTM 142

Phone: 318.257.2737

Fax: 318.257.4569

Email: tsims@latech.edu

Donna Snow

Administrative Assistant

Department: Nursing

Phone: 318.257.3101

Fax: 318.257.4569

Email: dlsnow@latech.edu

Dr. Joel Stake

Director of the Honors College, Senior Lecturer

Departments: Biological Sciences, Honors College

Office: UNVH 123

Phone: 318.257.2653

Fax: 318.257.4574

Email: jstake@latech.edu

Dr. Barbara Still

Assistant Professor, Animal Science

Department: Agricultural Sciences and Forestry

Office: Reese 106

Phone: 318.257.2797

Email: bstill@latech.edu

Dr. Joshua Phillip Vandenbrink

Associate Professor

Department: Biological Sciences

Office: CLT 130

Phone: 318.257.2605

Email: jpvdb@latech.edu

SelectedWorks Profile

Dr. Yuri Voziyanov


Department: Biological Sciences

Office: CTLH 121

Phone: 318.257.2694

Fax: 318.257.4574

Email: voziyan@latech.edu

Joanna Ward MA, RHIA

Associate Professor

Department: Health Informatics and Information Management

Office: Wyly Tower 1118

Phone: 318.257.2339

Fax: 318.257.4896

Email: jward@latech.edu

Daphne Washington

Instructor, Speech Pathology, AAC Specialist

Department: School of Communication Sciences and Disorders

Office: Robinson Hall 120

Phone: 318.257.2539

Fax: 318.257.4492

Email: daphnew@latech.edu

Adam Waters

Associate Professor, Audiology

Departments: School of Communication Sciences and Disorders, The Speech and Hearing Center

Office: Robinson Hall 217

Fax: 318.257.4492

Email: awaters@latech.edu

Dr. Katie Welch

Assistant Professor, Agricultural Business

Department: Agricultural Sciences and Forestry

Office: Reese 125

Phone: 318.257.2451

Email: kwelch@latech.edu

Dr. Michael Wells

Assistant Professor

Department: Biological Sciences

Office: CTLH 205

Phone: 318.257.4573

Fax: 318.257.4574

Email: mwells@latech.edu

James “Jay” White

Instructor/Lab Supervisor

Department: Biological Sciences

Office: CTLH 141

Phone: 318.257.2738

Fax: 318.257.4574

Email: jwhite@latech.edu

Dana Williams

Lab Supervisor

Department: Agricultural Sciences and Forestry

Office: Lomax 14

Phone: 318.257.2814

Email: dana@latech.edu

Dr. Shaoyang Yang

Assistant Professor, Forestry

Department: Agricultural Sciences and Forestry

Office: Reese Hall 212

Phone: 318.257.2467

Email: syang@latech.edu