Alphabetical listing

Dr. Douglas Amyx

Burton Risinger Endowed Professor, Professor

Department: Marketing & Analysis

Office: COBB 335

Phone: 318.257.2368

Email: damyx@latech.edu

Rob Blackstock Ph.D.

Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies, Assistant Professor of Economics

Departments: Economics & Finance, Kavanaugh Office of Undergraduate Programs

Office: COBB 103A

Phone: 318.257.4524

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: rblackst@latech.edu

Mary Susan Britt

Senior Director of Development

Departments: Department of External Relations, Origin Bank Office of the Dean

Office: COBB 204D

Phone: 318.257.3741

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: marysusan@latechalumni.org

Leila A. Brumett

Administrative Coordinator 3

Department: School of Accountancy

Office: COBB 302

Phone: 318.257.2823

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: lbrumett@latech.edu

NaTanya Butler

Administrative Coordinator 3

Department: Computer Information Systems

Office: COBB 370

Phone: 318.257.2065

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: nbutler@latech.edu

India Carroll

Executive in Residence

Department: Origin Bank Office of the Dean

Nina Collum Ph.D., CPA (MS)

Senior Lecturer

Department: School of Accountancy

Office: COBB 305

Phone: 318.257.3191

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: ncollum@latech.edu

Dr. Bob Cunningham CIA, CFE, CRMA

Executive in Residence

Department: Origin Bank Office of the Dean

Phone: 318.257.2857

Email: bcunning@latech.edu

Marcia Simmering Dickerson Ph.D.

Francis Mangham Endowed Professor, Professor

Department: Management

Phone: 318.257.3445

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: marcia@latech.edu

John Dogbey Ph.D.

Jack and Peggy Byrd Endowed Professor, Assistant Professor of Economics

Department: Economics & Finance

Office: COBB 208

Phone: 318.257.2887

Email: jdogbey@latech.edu

Andrea Drake Ph.D.

Humana Foundation/McCallister Endowed Professor, Professor

Department: School of Accountancy

Office: COBB 304

Phone: 318.257.2500

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: adrake@latech.edu

Darrell Eddy

Information Technology Coordinator and Network Administrator

Department: IT Support

Office: COBB 338

Phone: 318.257.3057

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: darrell@latech.edu

Kevin Elder Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of CIS

Department: Computer Information Systems

Office: COBB 373

Phone: 318.257.2647

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: kelder@latech.edu

T. Selwyn Ellis D.B.A.

Balsley-Whitmore Endowed Professor, Professor, Department Head, POC for NSA Center for Academic Excellence, Director for the Center for Information Assurance

Department: Computer Information Systems

Office: COBB 372

Phone: 318.257.2026

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: ellis@latech.edu

Laura Willis Flurry Ph.D.

Max P. Watson, Jr. Endowed Professor, Professor

Department: Marketing & Analysis

Office: COBB 341

Phone: 318.257.3768

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: lwflurry@latech.edu

Ryan Freling Ph.D.

Thomas O’Kelly Mitchner Endowed Professor, Associate Professor

Department: Marketing & Analysis

Office: COBB 345

Phone: 318.257.2886

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: rfreling@latech.edu

Bryan Fuller Ph.D.

Humana Foundation/McCallister Endowed Professor, Professor

Department: Management

Office: COBB 321

Phone: 318.257.3359

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: bfuller@latech.edu

Otis W. Gilley Ph.D.

Century Telephone Enterprises, Inc./Clarke M. Williams Memorial Endowed Professor, Department Head

Department: Economics & Finance

Office: COBB 327A

Phone: 318.257.4140

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: gilley@latech.edu

Ghislain Nono Gueye Ph.D.

D. Wayne Parker Endowed Professor, Associate Professor of Economics

Department: Economics & Finance

Office: COBB 329

Phone: 318.257.3874

Email: gueye@latech.edu

Jeffrey Haynie Ph.D.

Herbert McElveen Endowed Professor, Associate Professor of Management, Department Head

Department: Management

Office: COBB 324a

Phone: 318.257.2504

Email: jhaynie@latech.edu

Jonathan Henderson

Administrative Assistant 4

Department: Origin Bank Office of the Dean

Office: COBB 204B

Phone: 318.257.3701

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: jonh@latech.edu

David N. Herda Ph.D., CPA

KPMG Endowed Professor, Associate Professor

Department: School of Accountancy

Phone: 318.257.2884

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: dherda@latech.edu

Virginia Hill

Administrative Coordinator 3

Department: Marketing & Analysis

Phone: 318.257.4012

Fax: 318.257.4013

Email: vhill@LaTech.edu

Marianne Hooper

Department: Academy of Marketing Science

Phone: 318.257.2612

Email: ams@latech.edu

Sharon Hughes

Administrative Coordinator 3 for Department of Economics & Finance

Department: Economics & Finance

Office: COBB 327

Phone: 318.257.4140

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: sharon@latech.edu

Emily Hunt Ph.D.

Burton Risinger Endowed Professor, Assistant Professor of Accounting

Department: School of Accountancy

Office: COBB 303

Phone: 318.257.2220

Email: ehunt@latech.edu

Joshua Hunt Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Department: School of Accountancy

Office: COBB 308

Phone: 318.257.3547

Email: johunt@latech.edu

Jungshik “Jason” Hur Ph.D.

Humana/McCallister Endowed Professor, Associate Professor of Finance

Department: Economics & Finance

Office: COBB 213

Phone: 318.257.3558

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: jhur@latech.edu

R. Anthony Inman Ph.D.

Century Next Bank Endowed Professor, Professor of Management

Department: Management

Office: COBB 313

Phone: 318.257.3568

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: inman@latech.edu

Ming “Megan” Ju PhD, CFA

Associate Professor of Finance

Department: Economics & Finance

Office: COBB 211

Phone: 318.257.3863

Email: mingju@latech.edu

Melanie Moore Koskie Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Department: Marketing & Analysis

Office: COBB 339

Email: mkoskie@latech.edu

John R. Lauck Ph.D., CPA, CFE

Chase Bank Endowed Professor, Professor, Director of the School of Accountancy

Department: School of Accountancy

Office: COBB 302A

Phone: 318.257.4378

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: lauckjr@latech.edu

Son Anh Le D.B.A.

John Ed Barnes Endowed Professor, Professor

Department: Management

Office: COBB 357

Phone: 318.257.3536

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: sle@latech.edu

Jae Ung (Jake) Lee Ph.D.

Clifford Ray King Endowed Professor, Associate Professor

Department: Computer Information Systems

Office: COBB 371

Phone: 318.257.4011

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: jakelee@latech.edu

William Locander Ph.D.

Max P. Watson, Jr. Endowed Professor, Department Head, Professor of Marketing

Department: Marketing & Analysis

Office: COBB 348 A

Phone: 318.257.4012

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: locander@latech.edu

Paul F. Lopez MBA

Lecturer of Accounting

Department: School of Accountancy

Office: COB 312

Phone: 318.257.2560

Email: pflopez@latech.edu

Michael S. Luehlfing Ph.D., CPA (MS), CMA

George E. Breazeal Family Endowed Professor, Professor

Department: School of Accountancy

Office: COBB 307

Phone: 318.257.3490

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: michaell@latech.edu

Christopher Martin Ph.D.

Dean of the College of Business, Chase Endowed Professor

Department: Origin Bank Office of the Dean

Office: COBB 202

Phone: 318.257.4526

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: cmartin@latech.edu

William McCumber Ph.D.

Associate Dean of Graduate Programs and Research, JPJ Investments Endowed Professor of Finance, Professor

Departments: Economics & Finance, Graduate Programs

Office: COBB 218

Phone: 318.257.4528

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: mccumber@latech.edu

Benjamin McLarty Ph.D.

McGehee Eminent Scholar Chair in Entrepreneurship, Professor of Management

Department: Management

Office: COBB 205

Phone: 318.257.3580

Email: bmclarty@latech.edu

Hani I. Mesak Ph.D.

State Farm Endowed Professor

Department: Marketing & Analysis

Office: COBB 333

Phone: 318.257.3506

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: mesak@latech.edu

Forrest Moegle J.D.

Lecturer of Business Law

Department: Marketing & Analysis

Office: COBB 344

Phone: 318.257.3871

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: fmoegle@latech.edu

Julie G. Moulard Ph.D.

Balsley-Whitmore Endowed Professor, Associate Professor of Marketing

Department: Marketing & Analysis

Office: COBB 347B

Phone: 318.257.2127

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: jmoulard@latech.edu

John Nwoha Ph.D.

Lecturer of Economics

Department: Economics & Finance

Phone: 318.257.2208

Email: nwoha@latech.edu

Kyle O’Neal

Director of the Humana Student Services Center

Department: Humana Student Services Center

Office: COB 102A

Phone: 318.257.2497

Email: koneal@latech.edu

Jonathan Peterson Ph.D.

Maurice R. Tatum Endowed Professor, Assistant Professor of Economics

Department: Economics & Finance

Office: COBB 331

Phone: 318.257.2917

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: peterson@latech.edu

Mary Kate Pierot

Director of the MBA Program

Department: Graduate Programs

Office: COBB 218d

Phone: 318-257-2075

Email: mpierot@latech.edu

Krystina Pitre

Administrative Coordinator 3

Department: Management

Office: COBB 324

Email: kpitre@latech.edu

Robert Pullis J.D., LL.M.

Robert W. Levy Endowed Professor in Business & Law, Professional in Residence

Department: Marketing & Analysis

Office: COBB 207

Phone: 318.257.2241

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: rpullis@latech.edu

Don Rider D.B.A.

Lecturer of Computer Information Systems

Department: Computer Information Systems

Office: COB 359

Phone: 318.257.3264

Email: drider@latech.edu

Kirk Ring Ph.D.

Century Next Bank Endowed Professor, Associate Professor of Management

Department: Management

Office: COBB 209

Phone: 318.257.3546

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: kring@latech.edu

Matthew Roberts Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Supply Chain Management

Department: Management

Office: COBB 319

Phone: 318.257.2389

Email: matthewr@latech.edu

Nasim Sabah Ph.D.

Chase Bank Endowed Professor, Assistant Professor of Finance

Department: Economics & Finance

Office: COB 215

Phone: 318.257.3593

Email: msabah@LaTech.edu

Camden M. Sanford

Student Retention Specialist

Department: Humana Student Services Center

Office: COB 102F

Phone: 318.257.2491

Email: csanford@latech.edu

Patrick Scott Ph.D.

Patricia Garland Endowed Professor, Associate Professor of Economics

Department: Economics & Finance

Office: COBB 328

Phone: 318.257.2311

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: pscott@latech.edu

Bambie Seal

Administrative Coordinator 3

Department: Kavanaugh Office of Undergraduate Programs

Office: COBB 103

Phone: 318.257.4525

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: bseal@latech.edu

Bruce Siegmund MBA

Instructor of Marketing and Business Administration

Department: Marketing & Analysis

Office: COBB 204f

Phone: 318.257.4306

Email: siegmund@latech.edu

Kassi Speaks

Administrative Coordinator 3

Department: Graduate Programs

Office: COBB 218c

Phone: 318.257.4528

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: kspeaks@latech.edu

Thomas Stafford Ph.D.

John Ed Barnes Endowed Eminent Scholar in Data Analytics, Professor

Department: Computer Information Systems

Office: COBB 203A

Phone: 318.257.3886

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: stafford@latech.edu

Lingna “Selina” Sun Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Finance

Department: Economics & Finance

Office: COBB 217

Phone: 318.257.3571

Email: lingnas@latech.edu

SelectedWorks Profile

Eric Sutherland MBA


Department: Computer Information Systems

Office: COBB 361

Phone: 318.257.3859

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: erics@latech.edu

Craig Van Slyke Ph.D.

Mike McCallister Eminent Scholar Chair in Information Systems

Department: Computer Information Systems

Office: COBB 325B

Phone: 318.257.2324

Email: vanslyke@latech.edu

SelectedWorks Profile

LeAnn Waldroup

Director of Strategic Communications

Departments: Department of External Relations, Origin Bank Office of the Dean

Office: COBB 204E

Phone: 318.257.5295

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: waldroup@latech.edu

Bruce Walters Ph.D.

Edward L. Moyers Endowed Professor, Professor

Department: Management

Office: COBB 315

Phone: 318.257.2646

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: bwalters@latech.edu

Kevin Watson Ph.D.

Jack & Peggy Byrd Endowed Professor, Associate Professor

Department: Management

Office: COBB 317

Phone: 318.257.2112

Email: kwatson@latech.edu

Mary Wilkinson

Administrative Coordinator 3

Department: Origin Bank Office of the Dean

Office: COBB 202

Phone: 318.257.4527

Email: maryw@latech.edu

Jinyoung Wynn Ph.D.

Charles L. Farrar Endowed Professor, Professor

Department: School of Accountancy

Office: COBB 311

Phone: 318.257.3984

Fax: 318.257.4253

Email: jwynn@latech.edu