Alphabetical listing

Dr. Shaurav Alam P.E.

SWEPCO Endowed Professor, Associate Professor, Associate Director of Research

Departments: Civil Engineering, Construction Engineering Technology, Trenchless Technology Center

Office: BOGH 246

Phone: 318.257.2053

Email: shaurav@latech.edu

Dr. Prabhu Arumugam

Associate Professor, Graduate Coordinator

Departments: Center for Biomedical Engineering and Rehabilitation Sciences, Institute for Micromanufacturing, Mechanical Engineering

Office: IFM 213

Phone: 318.257.5122

Fax: 318.257.2777

Email: parumug@latech.edu

Davis Bailey

Research Engineer

Department: Institute for Micromanufacturing

Office: IFMM 118

Phone: 318.257.5135

Fax: 318.257.5104

Email: dbailey@latech.edu

SelectedWorks Profile

James Walt Ballard P.L.S.

Adjunct Instructor

Departments: Civil Engineering, Construction Engineering Technology

Brian Barron

Senior Lecturer

Department: Mathematics and Statistics

Office: IESB 329

Phone: 318.257.2453

Email: bbarron@latech.edu

Dr. Rakitha Beminiwattha

Associate Professor

Department: Physics

Office: EA 210

Phone: 318.257.2435

Fax: 318.257.3823

Email: rakithab@latech.edu

Dr. Prashanna Bhattarai

Assistant Professor

Departments: Electrical Engineering, Instrumentation and Control Systems Engineering Technology

Office: NETH 215

Phone: 318.257.2940

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: pbhatt@latech.edu

Justin Biggs


Department: Mathematics and Statistics

Office: BOGH 329

Phone: 318.257.2833

Fax: 318.257.4922

Email: jbiggs@latech.edu

Dr. Thomas Bishop

Associate Professor

Departments: Center for Applied Physics Studies, Center for Biomedical Engineering and Rehabilitation Sciences, Chemistry, Molecular Science and Nanotechnology, Physics

Office: EA 207, BMEB 231

Phone: 318.257.5209

Fax: 318.257.3823

Email: bishop@latech.edu

Stacey Black


Department: Mathematics and Statistics

Office: BOGH 211

Phone: 318.257.2638

Email: staceyb@latech.edu

Dr. Thomas J. Bowman


Department: Computer Science

Office: NETH 149

Phone: 318.257.4483

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: tbowman@latech.edu

Carl Boyet


Department: Mathematics and Statistics

Office: IESB 217

Phone: 318.257.2589

Fax: 318.257.2182

Email: cboyet@latech.edu

Diana Bryan

Administrative Coordinator 3

Department: Graduate Studies Office

Office: BOGH 224

Phone: 318.257.4314

Fax: 318.257.4339

Email: dibryan@latech.edu

Dr. Mary Caldorera-Moore

Academic Director of Instrumentation and Control Systems Engineering Technology and Industrial Engineering, Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering

Departments: Biomedical Engineering, Center for Biomedical Engineering and Rehabilitation Sciences, Industrial Engineering, Instrumentation and Control Systems Engineering Technology, Molecular Science and Nanotechnology

Office: BMEB 208, IESB 129

Phone: 318.257.2207

Fax: 318.257.4000

Email: mcmoore@latech.edu

Dr. Henry Cardenas

Professor, Director Mechanical Engineering Senior Design Consortium, Director MALT Center

Departments: MALT Center, Mechanical Engineering

Office: BOGH 255

Phone: 318.257.4600

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: cardenas@latech.edu

Jenna Carpenter

Professor Emeritus

Dr. Elisa Castagnola

Assistant Professor

Department: Biomedical Engineering

Office: 211 BMEB

Phone: 318.257.2840

Fax: 318.257.4000

Email: elisa@LaTech.edu

Dr. Sai Deepthi Chappidi

Adjunct Instructor

Department: Chemistry

Office: IESB 327

Phone: 318.257.2393

Email: chappidi@latech.edu

Dr. Jinyuan Chen

Associate Professor

Department: Electrical Engineering

Office: NETH 219

Phone: 318.257.3083

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: jinyuan@latech.edu

Dr. Kevin Cherry

Senior Lecturer

Department: Computer Science

Office: NETH 239

Phone: 318.257.2920

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: drcherry@latech.edu

Dr. Pradeep Chowriappa

Associate Professor

Department: Computer Science

Office: NETH 115

Phone: 318.257.4612

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: pradeep@latech.edu

Dr. Bradley Cicciarelli

Distinguished Lecturer

Department: Chemical Engineering

Office: BMEB 115

Phone: 318.257.2350

Fax: 318.257.4000

Email: bradc@latech.edu

Grace Clay

Retention and Student Services Coordinator

Department: Undergraduate Studies Office

Office: IESB 101E

Phone: 318.257.2320

Fax: 318.257.4630

Email: gclay@latech.edu

Ann Clifton


Department: Mathematics and Statistics

Office: BOGH 258

Phone: 318.257.2164

Fax: 318.257.2182

Email: aclifton@latech.edu

Lexi Cole

Student Success Specialist

Departments: Administrative and Technical Staff, Undergraduate Studies Office

Office: IESB 109

Phone: 318.257.2260

Email: alexis@latech.edu

Nia Collins

Administrative Coordinator 3

Departments: Civil Engineering, Construction Engineering Technology, Mechanical Engineering

Office: BOGH 253

Phone: 318.257.2357

Email: collins@latech.edu

Dr. Krystal Corbett Cruse

Assistant Professor – Mechanical Engineering, First-Year Engineering Programs Coordinator, Director of the Office for Women in Science and Engineering

Departments: Instrumentation and Control Systems Engineering Technology, Mechanical Engineering

Office: IESB 133

Phone: 318.257.2422

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: kcorbett@latech.edu

Joshua Coriell


Department: Computer Science

Office: NETH 237

Phone: 318.257.2743

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: coriell@latech.edu

Dr. Melvin R. Corley

Professor Emeritus

Department: Mechanical Engineering

Phone: 318.202.9635

Email: mcorley@latech.edu

Dr. Joseph Cortez


Department: Mathematics and Statistics

Office: IESB 223

Phone: 318.257.2847

Fax: 318.257.2182

Email: jcortez@latech.edu

Dr. Kelly Crittenden

Program Chair and Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering; Director Integrated STEM Education Research Center

Departments: Integrated STEM Research Center, Mechanical Engineering

Office: BOGH 256

Phone: 318.257.2714

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: kellyc@latech.edu

Dr. Stanley Cronk

Senior Lecturer

Department: Industrial Engineering

Office: IESB 227

Phone: 318.257.3987

Email: cronk@latech.edu

Steve Crow


Departments: Integrated STEM Research Center, Mathematics and Statistics

Office: BOGH 330A

Phone: 318.257.4179

Fax: 318.257.2182

Email: crow@latech.edu

Dr. Weizhong Dai

Professor – Mathematics and Statistics, Program Chair – Computational Analysis Modeling

Departments: Center for Applied Physics Studies, Mathematics and Statistics

Office: NETH 233

Phone: 318.257.3301

Fax: 318.257.4922

Email: dai@latech.edu

Dr. Mark DeCoster

Professor, Associate Director

Departments: Biomedical Engineering, Center for Biomedical Engineering and Rehabilitation Sciences, Institute for Micromanufacturing, Molecular Science and Nanotechnology

Office: BMEB 210 | IFMM 212

Phone: 318.257.5118

Fax: 318.257.4000

Email: decoster@latech.edu

Dr. William Deese


Department: Chemistry

Office: CTLH 241

Phone: 318.257.4878

Fax: 318.257.3823

Email: wcdeese@latech.edu

Dr. Pedro Derosa

Program Chair – Physics, Professor – Physics, Molecular Science & Nanotechnology

Departments: Center for Applied Physics Studies, Institute for Micromanufacturing, Molecular Science and Nanotechnology, Physics

Office: EA 217, IFMM 216

Phone: 318.257.5139

Email: pderosa@latech.edu

Allyson Donald


Department: Mathematics and Statistics

Office: BOGH 212

Phone: 318.257.2633

Fax: 318.257.2182

Email: adonald@latech.edu

Mr. Eli Doyle

Student Success Specialist

Department: Undergraduate Studies Office

Office: IESB 113

Phone: 318.257.3180

Email: edoyle@latech.edu

Dr. John Easley

Senior Lecturer

Department: Industrial Engineering

Office: BOGH 230

Phone: 318.257.3165

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: jeasley@latech.edu

Danny Eddy


Department: Chemistry

Office: CTLH 329

Phone: 318.257.4393

Fax: 318.257.3823

Email: deddy@latech.edu

Christie Moyers Edwards

Transfer and Curriculum Coordinator

Department: Undergraduate Studies Office

Office: IESB 101A

Phone: 318.257.2842

Fax: 318.257.4630

Email: cedwards@latech.edu

Dr. Sven Eklund

Associate Professor

Departments: Center for Biomedical Engineering and Rehabilitation Sciences, Chemistry, Molecular Science and Nanotechnology

Office: CTLH 331

Phone: 318.257.4214

Fax: 318.257.3823

Email: seklund@latech.edu

SelectedWorks Profile

Dr. Zakaria El-Awadi


Department: Computer Science

Office: IESB 215

Phone: 318.257.4641

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: zelawadi@latech.edu

Dr. Blake Farman

Assistant Professor

Department: Mathematics and Statistics

Office: NETH 235

Phone: 318.257.2951

Email: bfarman@lateh.edu

Dr. Elisabeth Fatila

Associate Professor

Departments: Chemistry, Molecular Science and Nanotechnology

Office: CTLH 311

Phone: 318.257.4941

Fax: 318.257.3823

Email: efatila@latech.edu

Dr. Mary Fendley

Associate Professor

Departments: Industrial Engineering, MALT Center

Office: BOGH 226

Phone: 318.257.3394

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: Mfendley@latech.edu

Dr. Arwa Fraiwan

Assistant Professor

Department: Electrical Engineering

Office: BMEB 209

Phone: 318.257.3930

Email: afraiwan@latech.edu

Estevan Garcia

Senior Media/Graphics Specialist

Department: Office of the Dean - COES

Office: BOGH 234A

Phone: 318.257.4696

Fax: 318.257.4630

Email: estevan@latech.edu

Lori Gaskin

Administrative Assistant IV

Department: Institute for Micromanufacturing

Office: IFMM 106

Phone: 318.257.5102

Fax: 318.257.5104

Email: lgaskin@latech.edu

Dr. Miguel Gates

Program Chair, Senior Lecturer

Departments: Computer Science, Cyber Engineering, MALT Center

Office: NETH 145

Phone: 318.257.2147

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: mgates@latech.edu

Dr. Dentcho A. Genov

Professor of Physics, Director of the Center for Applied Physics Studies (CAPS)

Departments: Center for Applied Physics Studies, Electrical Engineering, Physics

Office: EA 220

Phone: 318.257.4190

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: dgenov@latech.edu

Mr. Ron Gill


Department: Instrumentation and Control Systems Engineering Technology

Office: IESB 121

Phone: 318.257.2493

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: rgill@latech.edu

Rosilynn Gillum

Director of Development

Departments: Development, Office of the Dean - COES

Office: BOGH 201C

Phone: 318.257.4971

Email: rgillum@latechalumni.org

Dr. William Bradley Glisson

Associate Professor

Department: Computer Science

Office: NETH 155

Phone: 318.257.4715

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: glisson@latech.edu

Nathan Green

Assistant Professor

Department: Mathematics and Statistics

Office: NETH 221

Phone: 318.257.3460

Fax: 318.257.4922

Email: ngreen@latech.edu

Dr. David E. Hall

Associate Professor – Mechanical Engineering

Department: Mechanical Engineering

Office: IESB 115

Phone: 318.257.4127

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: dehall@latech.edu

Dr. Matthew Hartmann

Program Chair and Lecturer

Department: Electrical Engineering

Office: NETH 211

Phone: 318.257.2941

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: hartmann@latech.edu

Dr. Beth Hegab

Senior Lecturer, Industrial Engineering; Senior Lecturer, Engineering Technology and Management; Master’s Coordinator, Engineering and Technology Management

Departments: Engineering and Technology Management, Industrial Engineering, MALT Center

Office: BOGH 229

Phone: 318.257.3107

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: bhegab@latech.edu

Dr. Hisham Hegab

Interim Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies, Professor Emeritus

Departments: Biomedical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Undergraduate Studies Office

Office: IESB 101

Phone: 318.257.2684

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: hhegab@latech.edu

Kenna Hinton

Administrative Coordinator 3

Departments: Chemistry, Physics

Office: CTLH 316

Phone: 318.257.4911

Fax: 318.257.3823

Email: khinton@latech.edu

Dr. Bryant Hollins

Senior Lecturer

Departments: Biomedical Engineering, Center for Biomedical Engineering and Rehabilitation Sciences

Office: BMEB 207

Phone: 318.257.5236

Fax: 318.257.4000

Email: bhollins@latech.edu

Dr. Songming Hou


Departments: Center for Applied Physics Studies, Mathematics and Statistics

Office: EA 215

Phone: 318.257.3270

Fax: 318.257.2182

Email: shou@latech.edu

Dr. Jason Howell


Departments: Civil Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Trenchless Technology Center

Office: IESB 127

Phone: 318.257.5121

Email: jhowell@latech.edu

Dr. Shaik Hussain

Research Scientist, Adjunct Instructor

Departments: Construction Engineering Technology, Trenchless Technology Center

Office: SC 101

Phone: 318.257.5303

Email: hshaik@latech.edu

Jonathan Hyde


Department: Computer Science

Office: NETH 141

Phone: 318.257.2919

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: jhyde@latech.edu

Shafia Izhar


Department: Office of the Dean - COES

Office: BOGH 201

Phone: 318.257.2230

Email: sizhar@latech.edu

Dr. Arun Jaganathan

Associate Professor

Departments: Center for Applied Physics Studies, Civil Engineering, Construction Engineering Technology, Molecular Science and Nanotechnology

Office: BOGH 247

Phone: 318.257.2905

Email: arun@latech.edu

Reginald Jeter P.E.

Program Chair and Professional in Residence

Department: Construction Engineering Technology

Office: BOGH 248

Phone: 318.257.2369

Email: rjeter@latech.edu

Dr. Steven Jones

Associate Professor

Departments: Biomedical Engineering, Center for Biomedical Engineering and Rehabilitation Sciences

Office: BMEB 206

Phone: 318.257.2288

Fax: 318.257.4000

Email: sajones@latech.edu

Carrie Kelly

Research Assistant

Department: Trenchless Technology Center

Office: EA 201

Phone: 318.257.4072

Email: ckelly@latech.edu

Dr. Jun-Ing Ker

Program Chair, Professor, Associate Director MALT Center

Departments: Engineering and Technology Management, Industrial Engineering, MALT Center

Office: BOGH 228

Phone: 318.257.2963

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: ker@latech.edu

Casey Kidd

Project-Based Learning Professional

Department: Instrumentation and Control Systems Engineering Technology

Office: IESB 202

Email: ckidd@latech.edu

Dr. Ankunda Kiremire

Program Chair, Senior Lecturer

Department: Computer Science

Office: IESB 221

Phone: 318.257.2262

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: kiremire@latech.edu

Kallum Koczkur

Assistant Research Professor

Department: Institute for Micromanufacturing

Phone: 318.257.5114

Fax: 318.257.5104

Email: kkoczkur@latech.edu

Dr. John J. Kraft IV


Departments: Civil Engineering, Construction Engineering Technology

Office: BOGH 252

Phone: 318.257.2744

Email: jkraft@latech.edu

Christopher Lin


Department: Mathematics and Statistics

Office: IESB 321

Phone: 318.257.2064

Email: clin@latech.edu

Lindsey T Little

Student Retention Specialist

Department: Undergraduate Studies Office

Office: IESB 101E

Phone: 318.257.2066

Fax: 318.257.4630

Email: llittle@latech.edu

Dr. Mengjia Liu


Department: Chemistry

Office: CTLH 343

Phone: 318.257.4631

Email: mliu@latech.edu

Dr. Xiyuan Liu

Assistant Professor

Departments: Center for Biomedical Engineering and Rehabilitation Sciences, Mathematics and Statistics

Office: NETH 223

Phone: 318.257.3453

Fax: 318.257.2182

Email: liuxyuan@latech.edu

Dr. Xuan Liu

Director of Laboratory Animal Facility

Department: Center for Biomedical Engineering and Rehabilitation Sciences

Office: BMEB 129

Phone: 318.257.5206

Fax: 318.257.4000

Email: xliu@latech.edu

Dr. William Long

Senior Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering | Program Chair, Instrumentation and Control Systems Engineering Technology | Director, Project-Based Learning

Departments: Instrumentation and Control Systems Engineering Technology, Mechanical Engineering

Office: IESB 120

Phone: 318.257.2157

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: long@latech.edu

Dr. Yuri Lvov


Departments: Center for Biomedical Engineering and Rehabilitation Sciences, Chemistry, Institute for Micromanufacturing, Molecular Science and Nanotechnology, Physics

Office: IFMM 214

Phone: 318.257.5144

Fax: 318.257.3823

Email: ylvov@latech.edu

Dr. Joan Lynam

Associate Professor and Program Chair

Departments: Chemical Engineering, Institute for Micromanufacturing, MALT Center

Office: BMEB 117

Phone: 318.257.3124

Fax: 318.257.4000

Email: lynam@latech.edu

Dr. Daniela Mainardi

Associate Dean of Graduate Studies, Professor

Departments: Chemical Engineering, Graduate Studies Office, Institute for Micromanufacturing

Office: BOGH 224

Phone: 318.257.4314

Fax: 318.257.4339

Email: mainardi@latech.edu

Richard C. Matkins

Adjunct Instructor

Department: Construction Engineering Technology

Phone: 318.257.2357

Email: rmatkins@latech.edu

Dr. Elizabeth Matthews

Associate Professor and Program Chair for Civil Engineering, Associate Director MALT Center

Departments: Civil Engineering, Construction Engineering Technology, MALT Center

Office: BOGH 249

Phone: 318.257.3350

Email: ematt@latech.edu

Dr. John Matthews

Director Trenchless Technology Center, Professor

Departments: Civil Engineering, Construction Engineering Technology, Engineering and Technology Management, Trenchless Technology Center

Office: EA 203

Phone: 318.257.2852

Email: matthews@latech.edu

Dr. Stacey McAdams

Senior Lecturer

Department: Mathematics and Statistics

Office: BOGH 204

Phone: 318.257.3266

Fax: 318.257.2182

Email: smcadams@latech.edu

Stan McCaa


Department: Mathematics and Statistics

Office: BOGH 217A

Phone: 318.257.2343

Fax: 318.257.2182

Email: smccaa@latech.edu

Melanie McHugh

Administrative Assistant 5

Department: Office of the Dean - COES

Office: BOGH 201

Phone: 318.257.4648

Email: mmchugh@latech.edu

Dr. Philip J. McMullan


Department: Chemistry

Office: IESB 333

Phone: 318.257.4793

Fax: 318.257.3823

Email: mcmullan@latech.edu

Dr. Manki Min

Associate Professor

Department: Computer Science

Office: NETH 245

Phone: 318.257.2916

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: mankimin@latech.edu

Hamidreza “Amir” Mirzaei


Department: Electrical Engineering

Office: NETH 217

Phone: 318.257.3329

Fax: 318.257.2562

Dr.  Arden Moore

Associate Professor, Director of Institute for Micromanufacturing, Interim Associate Dean of Research.

Departments: Institute for Micromanufacturing, Mechanical Engineering

Office: IFMM 203

Phone: 318.257.5106

Fax: 318.257.2777

Email: amoore@latech.edu

Nikolas Morgan


Department: Computer Science

Office: NETH 247

Phone: 318.257.4301

Email: nmorgan@latech.edu

Dr. Aamir Iqbal Muhammad

Fulbright Post-doctorate Fellow

Department: Chemical Engineering

Office: BOGH 116A

Phone: 318.605.7310

Email: miqbal@latech.edu

Dr. Erica Murray

Research Associate Professor

Department: Institute for Micromanufacturing

Office: IFMM 113

Phone: 318.257.5148

Fax: 318.257.5104

Email: emurray@latech.edu

Dr. Teresa Murray

Academic Director for Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, Professor of Biomedical Engineering

Departments: Biomedical Engineering, Center for Biomedical Engineering and Rehabilitation Sciences, Chemical Engineering

Office: BMEB 203

Phone: 318.257.5237

Fax: 318.257.4000

Email: tmurray@latech.edu

Lindsey B Murry

Director of Communications and Outreach

Department: Office of the Dean - COES

Office: BOGH 225

Phone: 318.257.2072

Email: lmurry@latech.edu

Raja Nassar

Professional Emeritus

Office: NETH 225

Phone: 318-257-2566

Email: rnassar@latech.edu

Robert W. Newberry

Chemical Engineer in Residence

Department: Chemical Engineering

Office: BOGH 125

Phone: 318.257.2948

Email: newberry@latech.edu

Dr. Jonathan Niemirowski

Visiting Lecturer

Departments: Industrial Engineering, Instrumentation and Control Systems Engineering Technology

Office: IESB 233

Phone: 318.257.2772

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: jonniemo@latech.edu

Dr. Michael O’Neal

Academic Director for Computer Science, Cyber Engineering, and Electrical Engineering, Professor

Department: Computer Science

Office: NETH 121

Phone: 318.257.2931

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: mike@latech.edu

Ashley Osborne

Project Based Learning Specialist

Departments: Engineering and Technology Management, Industrial Engineering, Instrumentation and Control Systems Engineering Technology

Office: IESB 118

Phone: 318.257.3423

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: aosborne@latech.edu

Allissa Owens

Instructor of Mathematics

Department: Mathematics and Statistics

Office: Bogh 238

Phone: 318.599.1460

Email: agros@latech.edu

Gina Palmer

Administrative Coordinator 4

Departments: Biomedical Engineering, Chemical Engineering

Office: BMED 103

Phone: 318.257.2430

Fax: 318.257.4000

Email: gpalmer@latech.edu

Dr. James Palmer

Associate Vice President for Research Administration, Professor – Chemical Engineering

Departments: Chemical Engineering, Molecular Science and Nanotechnology

Office: BMEB 230

Phone: 318.257.2885

Fax: 318.257.4000

Email: jpalmer@latech.edu

Dr. Andrew Peters

Associate Professor

Departments: Center for Biomedical Engineering and Rehabilitation Sciences, Chemical Engineering, Institute for Micromanufacturing

Office: IFMM 218

Phone: 318.257.5110

Fax: 318.257.4000

Email: apeters@latech.edu

Dr. Scott Poh

Associate Professor

Departments: Center for Biomedical Engineering and Rehabilitation Sciences, Chemistry, Institute for Micromanufacturing, Molecular Science and Nanotechnology

Office: CTLH 239

Phone: 318.257.2373

Fax: 318.257.3823

Email: spoh@latech.edu

Nathan Ponder

Associate Professor

Department: Mathematics and Statistics

Office: NETH 227

Email: ponder@latech.edu

Dr. Stacy Potter

Visting Lecturer

Department: Mathematics and Statistics

Office: BOGH 236

Phone: 318.257.4505

Fax: 318.257.2182

Email: spotter@latech.edu

Kyle Prather

Professional-in-residence and Instructor

Department: Computer Science

Office: NETH 117

Phone: 318.257.2080

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: kprather@latech.edu

Seth Quigley

Adjunct Instructor

Department: Physics

Office: EA 213

Phone: 318-257-2507

Email: squigley@latech.edu

Dr. Shafiqur Rahman

Assistant Professor

Departments: Institute for Micromanufacturing, Mechanical Engineering

Office: IFM 114

Phone: 318.257.5140

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: srahman@latech.edu

Professor B. Ramu Ramachandran

Interim Vice President for Research, Dean of Graduate School

Departments: Center for Applied Physics Studies, Graduate School, Institute for Micromanufacturing, Molecular Science and Nanotechnology, Research

Office: Wyly Tower 1208, Wyly Tower 1642

Phone: 318.257.4304

Fax: 318.257.4487

Email: ramu@latech.edu

Dr. Timothy Reeves


Department: Mechanical Engineering

Office: BOGH 237

Phone: 318.257.2395

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: treeves@latech.edu

Dr. Louis Reis

Program Chair of Biomedical Engineering and Senior Lecturer of Mechanical Engineering

Departments: Biomedical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering

Office: BMEB 212

Phone: 318.257.2954

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: lgreis@latech.edu

Zynthia Rhodes

COES Budget Manager

Department: Office of the Dean - COES

Office: BOGH 208

Phone: 318.257.2598

Email: zrhodes@latech.edu

Charles (Neil) Rinehart

Specialized Laboratory Technician

Department: Office of the Dean - COES

Office: BOGH 127C

Phone: 318.257.2709

Fax: 318.257.2306

Email: charlesr@latech.edu

Amanda Robertson


Department: Mathematics and Statistics

Office: BOGH 205

Phone: 318.257.2293

Email: arobertson@latech.edu

Kristie Ruddick


Department: Chemistry

Office: CTLH 243

Phone: 318.257.2632

Email: kruddick@latech.edu

Kyle Rugg


Department: Chemistry

Office: IESB 323

Phone: 318.257.2423

Email: krugg@latech.edu

Dr. Hadi Salehi

Assistant Professor

Departments: Civil Engineering, Construction Engineering Technology, Institute for Micromanufacturing

Office: BOGH 243

Phone: 318.257.2210

Email: hsalehi@latech.edu

Dr. Lee Sawyer

Academic Director for Chemistry and Physics, Professor

Departments: Center for Applied Physics Studies, Chemistry, Physics

Office: CTLH 316A

Phone: 318.257.4053

Fax: 318.257.3823

Email: sawyer@latech.edu

Tonia Sharp

Administrative Assistant 3

Department: Mathematics and Statistics

Office: BOGH 216

Phone: 318.257.2538

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: tsharp@latech.edu

Dr. John Shaw


Departments: Center for Applied Physics Studies, Physics

Office: IESB 309

Phone: 318.257.4240

Fax: 318.257.3823

Email: jshaw@latech.edu

Sylvia Shultz

Executive Office Manager

Department: Office of the Dean - COES

Office: BOGH 202

Phone: 318.257.4557

Email: sshultz@latech.edu

Dr. Neven Simicevic

Assistant Director, Professor

Departments: Center for Applied Physics Studies, Physics

Office: EA 212

Phone: 318.257.3591

Fax: 318.257.3823

Email: neven@latech.edu

Christian Smith


Departments: Computer Science, Mathematics and Statistics

Office: IESB 213

Phone: 318.257.2644

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: crsmith@latech.edu

Marsha Smith

Administrative Assistant 3, Property Custodian

Departments: Computer Science, Cyber Engineering, Electrical Engineering

Office: NETH 123

Phone: 318.257.2317

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: msmith@latech.edu

Dr. Roya Solhmirzaei

Assistant Professor

Departments: Civil Engineering, Construction Engineering Technology, Institute for Micromanufacturing

Office: BOGH 242

Phone: 318.257.5115

Email: solhmirz@latech.edu

John Spurgeon

Adjunct Instructor

Department: Computer Science

Dr. Michael Stephenson


Department: Chemistry

Office: CTLH 341

Phone: 318.257.2804

Email: stephens@latech.edu

Raymond Sterling

Professor Emeritus

Phone: 318-257-4072

Email: sterling@latech.edu

Dr. Andrew Stroud


Department: Physics

Office: IESB 315

Phone: 318.257.2074

Email: astroud@latech.edu

Dr. Michael Swanbom

Distinguished Lecturer

Departments: Integrated STEM Research Center, Mechanical Engineering

Office: BOGH 239

Phone: 318.257.3908

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: mswanbom@latech.edu

Shiloh Taylor

Building, Event, and Culture Coordinator

Department: Undergraduate Studies Office

Office: IESB 101C

Phone: 318.257.2842

Email: shiloh@latech.edu

Jason Terry


Department: Mathematics and Statistics

Office: IESB 209

Phone: 318.257.2455

Email: jterry@latech.edu

Michael Theodos PE

Professional in Residence

Department: Instrumentation and Control Systems Engineering Technology

Office: IESB 123

Phone: 318.257.2901

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: mtheodos@latech.edu

Stephany Thompson

COES Graduate Recruitment and Retention Coordinator

Department: Graduate Studies Office

Office: BOGH 224

Phone: 318.257.4314

Fax: 318.257.4339

Email: stephany@latech.edu

Dr. Richard L Thurlkill

Program Chair and Lecturer

Department: Chemistry

Office: CTLH 339

Phone: 318.257.2371

Fax: 318.257.3823

Email: rthurl@latech.edu

Dr. Heath Tims

CEO of Alumni Association/Associate Vice President for University Engagement & Professor – Mechanical Engineering

Office: IESB 101D

Phone: 318.257.2842

Fax: 318.257.4630

Email: htims@latech.edu

Dr. Galen Turner

Academic Director for Mathematics and Statistics, Professor

Department: Mathematics and Statistics

Office: BOGH 207

Phone: 318.257.2161

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: gturner@latech.edu

Fredda Wagner

Grant Administration Specialist, Office Manager

Departments: Center for Applied Physics Studies, Office of Sponsored Projects, Trenchless Technology Center

Office: EA 201

Phone: 318.257.3204

Email: fredda@latech.edu

Dr. Buddhini Waidyawansa

Research Assistant Professor

Department: Physics

Office: IESB 317

Phone: 318.257.2461

Email: buddhini@latech.edu

Dr. Jonathan Walters

Program Chair, Senior Lecturer

Department: Mathematics and Statistics

Office: BOGH 215

Phone: 318.257.4051

Fax: 318.257.2182

Email: walters@latech.edu

Dr. Jay Xingran Wang P.E.

Civil Engineering, Professor – Civil Engineering and Construction Engineering Technology

Departments: Civil Engineering, Construction Engineering Technology

Office: BOGH 250

Phone: 318.257.2934

Email: xwang@latech.edu

Dr. Lingxiao Wang

Assistant Professor

Department: Electrical Engineering

Office: NETH 213

Phone: 318.257.2758

Email: lwang@latech.edu

Dr. Shengnian Wang


Departments: Center for Biomedical Engineering and Rehabilitation Sciences, Chemical Engineering, Institute for Micromanufacturing, Molecular Science and Nanotechnology

Office: IFMM 112

Phone: 318.257.5125

Fax: 318.257.4000

Email: swang@latech.edu

Lauren Ward

Admissions Specialist – College of Engineering and Science

Departments: Recruitment and Admissions, Undergraduate Studies Office

Office: IESB 111

Phone: 318.257.2211

Email: lward@latech.edu

Dr. Nazimuddin Wasiuddin


Departments: Civil Engineering, Construction Engineering Technology, Molecular Science and Nanotechnology

Office: BOGH 245

Phone: 318.257.2392

Email: wasi@latech.edu

Dr. Leland Weiss

Director – Civil Engineering, Construction Engineering Technology, Mechanical Engineering; Professor – Mechanical Engineering

Departments: Civil Engineering, Construction Engineering Technology, Institute for Micromanufacturing, Mechanical Engineering, Molecular Science and Nanotechnology

Office: BOGH 253A

Phone: 318.257.5113

Email: lweiss@latech.edu

Quade Wells

Laboratory Manager and Property Inventory Custodian

Department: Trenchless Technology Center

Office: SC 101

Phone: 318.257.5303

Email: jqwells@latech.edu

Dr. Steven Wells


Departments: Center for Applied Physics Studies, Physics

Office: EA 214

Phone: 318.257.2194

Fax: 318.257.3823

Email: steve@latech.edu

Dr. Collin Wick

Dean of the College, Professor

Departments: Chemistry, Dean - COES, Molecular Science and Nanotechnology

Office: BOGH 201A

Phone: 318.257.4648

Fax: 318.257.4339

Email: cwick@latech.edu

Charlotte Wilkerson

Director of Student Success

Department: Undergraduate Studies Office

Office: IESB 101B

Phone: 318.257.4829

Fax: 318.257.4630

Email: charlott@latech.edu

Rebecca Williams


Department: Mathematics and Statistics

Office: BOGH 210

Phone: 318.257.2406

Fax: 318.257.2182

Email: rebecca@latech.edu

Dr. Markus Wobisch

Associate Professor

Departments: Center for Applied Physics Studies, Physics

Office: IESB 313

Phone: 318.257.4974

Fax: 318.257.4630

Email: wobisch@latech.edu

Deborah Wood

Associate Director-Facilities

Department: Institute for Micromanufacturing

Office: IFMM 117

Phone: 318.257.5116

Fax: 318.257.5104

Email: dwood@latech.edu

Dr. Yang Xiao

Assistant Professor

Departments: Chemical Engineering, Institute for Micromanufacturing

Office: IFMM 217

Phone: 318.257.5109

Fax: 318.257.4000

Email: yxiao@latech.edu

Andrew Yepson


Department: Mathematics and Statistics

Office: BOGH 209

Email: ayepson@latech.edu

Matthew Young

Senior Lecturer

Department: Instrumentation and Control Systems Engineering Technology

Office: IESB 229

Phone: 318.257.2095

Email: myoung@latech.edu

Weibo Zhang


Department: Mathematics and Statistics

Office: NETH 147

Phone: 318.257.2520

Email: weibozhang@latech.edu

Dr. Sandra Zivanovic


Departments: Electrical Engineering, Institute for Micromanufacturing

Office: BMEB 118

Phone: 318.257.5145

Fax: 318.257.4000

Email: sz@latech.edu