Alphabetical listing
Dr. Hadi Salehi
Assistant Professor
Departments: Civil Engineering, Construction Engineering Technology, Institute for Micromanufacturing
Phone: 318.257.2210
Email: hsalehi@latech.edu
Office: BOGH 243
Address: 600 Dan Reneau Dr.
BOGH 243
Ruston, LA 71272
Specialties: Intelligent Infrastructure, Structural Health Monitoring, Smart Cities, Machine Learning, Self-powered Sensing, Energy Harvesting
Affiliated Research Center: Trenchless Technology Center
Research Lab: Intelligent, Data-Driven, Emerging & Adaptive Systems Technology Laboratory, Bogard Hall 114 and 115, and Trenchless Technology Center
My research interests lie in the areas of resilient and sustainable infrastructure systems, energy harvesting, advanced sensing systems, data analytics, and smart cities. The overarching goal of my multidisciplinary research is to develop intelligent systems capable of delivering long-term autonomous monitoring data, as well as implementing self-sensing and multifunctional abilities to mitigate the impacts of hazards on the built environments.