Alphabetical listing

Paige Attaway

Graduate Teaching Assistant

Office: Scotty Robertson Memorial Gym Room 300

Phone: 318.257.5466

Fax: 318.257.4950

Email: lpa022@latech.edu

Courtney Boothe


Department: Biological Sciences

Office: CTHL 127

Email: cboothe@latech.edu

Dr. Brandi Estwick

Instructor of Voice and Diction

Department: School of Music

Office: HC 329

Phone: 318.257.2783

Email: bestwick@latech.edu

Devin S. Ferguson

Assistant Vice President for Philanthropy & Engagement

Phone: 318.497.7737

Fax: 318.257.9806

Email: devin@latechalumni.org

Keoshia Harris

Doctoral Intern Counseling Psychology

Office: Keeny Hall 310

Phone: 318.257.2488

Fax: 318.257.2936

Email: mjb052@latech.edu

Sherri Herren


Phone: 318.257.5077

Email: sherren@latech.edu

Christopher Jacob Hiers

Assistant Chief Flight Instructor

Office: Flight Operations

Phone: 318.257.5080

Email: jhiers@latech.edu

Dakota Hill

Graduate Teaching Assistant

Office: Scotty Robertson Memorial Gym Room 300

Fax: 318.257.4950

Email: dhh008@latech.edu

Maxwell Hyde

Instructor, Greenhouse Laboratory Supervisor

Department: Agricultural Sciences and Forestry

Phone: 318.257.2918

Email: mhyde@latech.edu

Jeff Johnson

Rocksteady Boxing Instructor

Phone: 318.257.4634

Email: kane@latech.edu

Kourtney Jones

Graduate Teaching Assistant

Office: Scotty Robertson Memorial Gym Room 300

Phone: 318.257.4566

Fax: 318.257.4950

Email: kjo016@latech.edu

Alex Keshner

Financial Aid Counselor – Verification

Department: Financial Aid

Office: Keeny Hall 237

Phone: 318.257.2641

Fax: 318.257.2628

Email: akeshner@latech.edu

Dr. Steven Joe Koskie

Lecturer in Philosophy

Office: GTM 125B

Phone: 318.257.3282

Email: sjkoskie@latech.edu

Dr. Don Liu


Office: EA 218

Phone: 318.257.4670

Fax: 318.257.2182

Email: donliu@latech.edu

Stacy Lynch

Director of Institutional Research and Records Management

Department: Institutional Effectiveness, Research, and Planning

Office: WYLY 1525

Phone: 318.257.2372

Email: slynch@latech.edu

Melanie McHugh

Administrative Assistant 5

Department: Office of the Dean - COES

Office: BOGH 201

Phone: 318.257.4648

Email: mmchugh@latech.edu

Nikolas Morgan


Department: Computer Science

Office: NETH 247

Phone: 318.257.4301

Email: nmorgan@latech.edu

Matt Nantais

Bowling Coordinator

Phone: 318.257.4634

Email: nantais@latech.edu

Melanie B Peel

Director of Academic Advising Initiatives

Department: Academic Affairs

Office: Wyly 1532

Phone: 318.257.2202

Email: mpeel@latech.edu

Kyle Prather

Professional-in-residence and Instructor

Department: Computer Science

Office: NETH 117

Phone: 318.257.2080

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: kprather@latech.edu

Michael Saunders MA

Doctoral Intern Counseling Psychology

Office: Keeny Hall 310

Phone: 318.257.2488

Fax: 318.257.2936

Email: msa045@latech.edu

Travis Self

Graduate Teaching Assistant

Office: Scotty Robertson Memorial Gym Room 300

Phone: 318.257.5466

Fax: 318.257.4950

Email: ths011@latech.edu

Dr. Masood Sepehrimanesh

Assistant Professor, Cell and Molecular Biology

Department: Biological Sciences

Office: CTLH 209

Phone: 318.257.3193

Email: masoods@latech.edu

Carly Spinazzola

Strategic Engagement Manager

Office: Ropp Center 202

Phone: 318.257.5880

Email: carly@LATech.edu

Majd Tahat


Office: NETH 147

Phone: 318.257.2768