DZero Experiment

D∅ is one of the two major experiments on the Tevatron collider at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (or, Fermilab), near Batavia IL. For this project, an international collaborative team of scientists conducts research into the fundamental nature of matter. The Tevatron has commenced RunII. Louisiana Tech is partly responsible for:

  • designing, installing and operating the Inter Cryostat Detector (ICD) subsystem;
  • designing and building electronics for part of the D∅ Calorimeter;
  • writing software for the data acquisition systems;
  • helping to install and commission the detector next year; and
  • taking data and studying physics with the completed experiment.


  • One of two collider experiments at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory near Chicago
  • Highest energy proton-antiproton collisions in the world
  • Discovered the top quark, single top production, oscillations of the Bs mesons, the cascadeb baryon
  • Large international collaboration (over 50 institutions, over 500 scientists and engineers)
  • Optimized to look for new physics, measure particle energies well, provide nearly complete detector coverage
  • Upgraded in 1995-2000 with portions built at Louisiana Tech

  Please visit the D∅ experiment homepage for more information.