
Policy 1404 – Unclassified Personnel Evaluation

Effective Date: 01/15/2002

Last Review: 05/05/2021

Responsible Office: Office of the President / Provost, Vice Presidents of Each Division

Reference: Board of Supervisors (Rules) – University of Louisiana System


The Board of Supervisors sets forth the following statement relative to evaluation of unclassified personnel:

Each institution shall evaluate each faculty member and administrator at least on an annual basis, and the evaluation shall be filed in the appropriate personnel file.

It is the policy of Louisiana Tech University that faculty, administrators, and staff be systematically evaluated, both orally and in writing. The results of the evaluation must be made available to the person evaluated. The primary uses of the evaluation will be to assess performance, to determine areas needing improvement, and to provide the basis for employment decisions such as merit increases, promotion, and continuation. The Provost, each Vice President, Dean and Director is responsible for seeing that established procedures are followed in the respective divisions.


Not applicable


Not applicable