Manual of Policies and Procedures
The Louisiana Tech’s Policies and Procedures Manual is maintained by the Office of Internal Audit.
The following is general information concerning the Manual of Policies and Procedures of Louisiana Tech University. The policies and procedures described here are not intended to be and should not be interpreted as a contract between the University and any employee. This information does not constitute a legal document nor does it constitute an employment contract. It does not confer any legal rights nor does it create any contractual obligations, expressed or implied.
Policies are updated on a regular basis and the University reserves the right to change, modify, or supersede any of these policies and procedures with or without notice at any time. The University is committed to keeping the Manual of Policies and Procedures up-to-date. However, because of changing policies, members of the University should consult the online Manual themselves to verify what is current. Although every effort is made to keep current the hardcopy version of the Manual of Policies and Procedures that is available in the documents section of the library, the online version is to be considered the most current and complete version.
The University takes due care to ensure that policies, when issued, are in compliance with then applicable controlling laws, rules, and regulations. However, it is recognized that changes in such laws, rules, and regulations may result in all or a portion of a policy becoming incorrect until necessary revision is made. Please be advised that, in such cases, those portions of policies that are contrary to or in conflict with any controlling law, rule, or regulation are invalid. To the extent that the remainder of a policy is unaffected by a change in controlling laws, rules, or regulations, that remaining portion of the policy will remain valid and in effect. The Manual of Policies and Procedures does not form a part of any employee’s contract or appointment with the University.
1000: General Administration
1100: History and Organization of the University
1102: Board of Regents' Mission Statement for Louisiana Tech University
1103: Vision and Mission Statements for Louisiana Tech University
1104: Higher Education Governing Boards - Board of Regents
1105: University of Louisiana Board of Supervisors - The University of Louisiana System
1106: University Organization
1107: Organizational Chart for Louisiana Tech University
1200: General Information
1202: Center for Instructional Technology
1203: Library Services - Prescott Memorial Library
1204: Identification Cards
1205: Louisiana Tech Research and Consulting Lab
1206: Louisiana Tech Concert Association
1207: Financial Aid
1208: Admissions and High School Services
1209: Speech and Hearing Rehabilitation
1210: Office of Testing and Disability Services
1300: General Policies
1302: Constitution for the University Senate of Louisiana Tech University
1303: Political Candidates
1304: Student Technology Fee Program Plan
1305: Licensing Program
1306: Records Retention and Disposition
1307: Policy and Procedure for Substantive Change
1308: Social Media Usage
1309: Identity Standards and Communications Policy
1310: Unmanned Aerial System (Drone) Policy
1311: Campus Speech and Demonstration Policy
1312: University Naming Policy
1313: Mass Email Policy
1400: Personnel Policies and Procedures
1402: Conditions of Employment
1403: New Employees and Terminating Employees
1404: Unclassified Personnel Evaluation
1405: Evaluation of Administrators
1406: Separation by Retirement or Resignation
1407: Board of Supervisors Policy on Financial Exigency
1408: University Adopted Guidelines for Retrenchment
1409: Guidelines for Unclassified Personnel Files
1410: Louisiana Code of Governmental Ethics
1411: Drug-Free Workplace Policy
1412: Employee Drug Testing Policy
1413: Faculty and Staff Grievance Procedures for Unclassified Personnel
1414: Termination of Administrative Staff
1415: Salary Checks
1416: Outside/Dual Employment & Dual Office Holding
1417: Nepotism and Prohibited Transactions
1418: Acceptance of Gifts and Donations
1419: Overload Policies
1420: Seeking and Holding Public Office
1421: Fee Exemption for Faculty, Staff, and Dependents
1422: Benefit Plans
1423: Statutory Benefits
1424: Retirement Systems
1425: Leave Record Establishment and Regulations for All Unclassified, Non-Civil Service Employees
1426: Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993
1427: Crisis Leave Program
1428: Leaves of Absence
1429: Benefits for Retirees
1430: Violence Free Workplace Policy
1431: Possession of Firearms
1432: AIDS Policy
1433: Americans with Disabilities Policy
1434: Online Employee Directory
1436: Power-Based Violence and Title IX
1436A: Process A - Title IX Grievance Process
1436B: Process B - Power-Based Violence Grievance Process
1436C: Statement of Parties’ Rights
1437: Power-Based Violence/Title IX Transcript Withholding, Notation & Communication
1438: Harassment
1439: Discrimination
1440: Age Discrimination
1441: Retaliation
1442: Employee Training
1443: Transitional Return to Work Policy
1444: Search Policies and Procedures for Positions of Dean or Higher
1445: Title IX Coordinator
1446: Board of Supervisors Policy on Program Discontinuance
1447: Board of Supervisors Policy on Employee Furloughs
1448: Volunteer Policy
1449: Emeritus Policy
1450: Consensual Relationships
1451: Child Abuse Reporting
1452: Hiring Without Regard to Retirement Status and Without Regard to Prior Complaints of Discrimination of Other Protected EEO Activity
1453: Supplemental Payments/ Fringe Benefits
1454: Rewards and Recognition Program for Civil Service Employees
1455: Parental Leave
2000: Academic Affairs
2100: Faculty Policies and Procedures
2102: Recruitment of Faculty
2103: Faculty/Staff Appointments
2104: Louisiana Board of Regents Support Fund Endowed Chairs Program
2105: Louisiana Board of Regents Support Fund Endowed Professorships
2106: Workload Policy
2107: Faculty Calendar Responsibilities
2108: Evaluation of Faculty
2109: Criteria for Evaluation of Faculty
2110: Relations with Colleagues
2111: Faculty Ranks and Promotions in Rank
2112: Rank Distribution
2113: Tenure and Promotion
2114: Tenure and Promotion Procedures
2115: Summer Session
2116: Research Security Screening
2117: Termination of Faculty
2118: Review of Faculty Ranks
2200: Policies and Procedures Pertaining to Instruction
2202: Faculty Absences
2203: Education Records
2204: Minimum Length for Academic Courses
2205: Goals and Requirements of Each Course and Syllabus
2206: Class Attendance
2207: Faculty Office Hours
2208: Class Rolls
2209: Classroom Accessibility
2210: Students with Disabilities
2211: Grading Systems
2212: Final Examinations
2213: Policy Concerning Student Social Security Numbers
2214: Graded Materials and Grade Reporting
2215: Procedure for Changing a Grade
2216: Faculty Control of Classrooms
2217: Final Grade and Academic Appeals Procedure
2218: Faculty and Staff Meetings
2219: Commencement
2220: Textbooks and Course Materials
2221: Student Evaluation of Faculty
2222: Nondiscrimination Policy Statement for Educational Programs
2223: Study Tour Programs
2224: Academic Program Review
2225: Distance Learning
2300: Other Academic Affairs Policies
2302: Campus Computer Use Policy
2303: Policies on Internet Use
2304: Ethical and Legal Use of Computer Software for Members of the Academic Community
2305: General Academic Provisions to Provide Policies and Procedures to Meet Requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (Superceded by Policy 1433)
2306: Admissions Requirements
2307: Transfer Admissions
2308: Medical History Disclosure
2309: Residency Requirements
2310: University Policies, Procedures, and Guidelines for Graduate, Teaching, and Research Assistantships
2311: Policies and Procedures of the Graduate Council
2312: Guidelines for the Preparation and Submission of Your Thesis or Dissertation
2313: Voice Mail Policy
2314: Rescission of Awarded Degrees
2315: Hardship Waivers for Students Regarding Tuition and Fee Increases
2316: Policies and Procedures of the Council of Academic Deans (CADs)
2317: Computer Breach Notification Policy
2318: Security and Confidentiality of Student Records
3000: University Advancement
3100: Louisiana Tech University Foundation Policies
3102: Records Information Policy
3103: Gift Acceptance
3104: Gift Processing
3105: Gift Allocation
3106: Gift Receipting and Acknowledgement
3107: Gifts-in-Kind
3108: Memorial and Honor Gifts
3109: Matching Gifts
3110: Use of Funds
3111: Establishing Foundation Accounts
3112: Disbursements from Foundation Accounts
3113: Endowed Funds
3114: Gift Acceptance Guidelines for Tangible Personal Property
3115: Guidelines for Establishing College and Department Foundation Accounts
3116: Guidelines for Establishing an Endowed Scholarship
3117: Guidelines for Foundation Account Withdrawals
4000: Administrative Services
4100: General Administrative Services
4102: Repair, Work Orders, and Facility Modifications
4103: Insurance Protection for Personal Property Located on Campus
4104: Long Distance Telephone Access Code
4105: Facilities Usage Policy
4106: Keys for Offices and Buildings
4107: Locking and Unlocking Buildings
4200: Safety Policy and Plan
4201: General Safety Policies for All Employees
4202: Tobacco-Free and Smoke-Free Campus Environment
4203: Emergency Guidelines
4204: Fire Safety, Including Life Safety Standards
4205: Personal Security
4206: Residence Hall Safety
4207: Office Safety
4208: Safety Issues for the Disabled
4209: Driver Safety Program and Vehicle Operation and Maintenance
4210: Shop and Shop/Lab Safety
4211: Personal Protection Program
4212: Hazard Communication Program (HCP)
4213: Chemical Safety
4214: Laboratory Safety Manual
4215: Exposure Control Plan for Bloodborne Pathogens (ECP)
4216: Emergency Response Plan for Faculty and Staff
4217: Emergency Response Plan for Students
4221: Policy on Emergency Situations Announced Through the News Media
4222: Transporting Faculty, Staff, and Students to the University Health Center, Hospital, or Doctor's Office
5000: Financial Services
5100: Accounting Manual
5200: Tech Purchasing Policy
5201: Purchasing Department Purpose
5202: General Information for Small Purchases
5203: Basic Purchasing Procedures - Small Purchase Requirements
5204: Purchase Requirements Over $25,000
5205: Exceptions to Competitive Bidding
5206: Competitive Bidding
5207: Purchase Requisitions are not to be Artificially Divided
5208: Specifications
5209: Requisitioning Items for Purchase
5210: Preparing a Requisition
5211: Bidder List
5212: Payment Methods
5213: Reimbursements
5214: Cash Advance
5215: Professional Services
5216: Purchasing Card (LaCarte)
5217: Glossary
5218: Purchase of Desktops, Laptops, Netbooks, and Other Smart Devices
5219: Electronic Signatures – Execution and Routing
5300: Property Control Regulations
5302: General Property Procedures
5303: Annual Inventory Process
5304: Forms
5305: Departmental Listings
5306: Property Location Index
5307: Data Sanitization Policy
5400: Other Financial Services Policies
5402: University Funds
5403: Intracampus Requisitions
5404: Cash Handling Policy and Procedures
5405: Permanent Cash Advance Policy and Procedures
5406: Temporary Cash Advance Policy and Procedures
5407: Information Security Program
5408: Vehicle Use Policy
5409: Identity Theft Prevention
5410: State Liability Travel Card
5411: IRS Form W-9 Requirements
5412: Hiring Security Personnel for University Events
5413: Use of University Vehicles - GPS Tracking
6000: Student Affairs
6100: Student Handbook
6200: Resources Available to Students
6202: Career Center
6203: University Health Center
6204: International Student Office
6205: Student Center Activities
6206: Recreational Facilities
6300: Other Student Affairs Policies
6302: Faculty Sponsorship of Student Organizations
6303: Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
6304: Hazing Policy
7000: Research and Development
7100: Research and Innovation
7102: Submission of Proposals
7103: Acceptance or Rejection of Proposals
7104: Administering the Project
7105: Communications with Funding Agencies
7106: Disposition of Equipment
7107: Disposition of Excess Funds
7108: Use of Human Subjects
7109: Animal Welfare
7110: Termination Procedures
7112: Intellectual Property Policy
7113: Misconduct in Scientific Research or Research Training
7114: Financial Conflict of Interest (FCOI) Policy
7115: Copyright Revision Act of 1976
7116: Biosafety and Radionuclide Institutional Review Committee
7117: Animal Care and Use Policy on Complaints
7119: Authorizing Contracts Between the University and a Member of the Faculty, Research Staff, or Coaching Staff or a Company in Which the Employee had an Interest Under Specified Circumstances
7120: Technology Incubator Policy
7121: Intellectual Property Policy
7122: Export Control Policy