
Policy 1428 – Leaves of Absence

Revision Date: 02/27/2020

Last Review:  02/27/2020

Responsible Office:  Provost

Reference:  Board of Supervisors Rules, Chapter 3, Section V and Policies and Procedures Memoranda FS-lll.XX.-1 and FS-lll-XXl-2.


The ULS Board of Supervisors Policy relative to leaves of absence is presented below:

Application Procedure. An individual requesting a leave of absence shall make application at the institution and, with the recommendation of the institution President, it shall be forwarded to the System President for Board consideration.

Exclusion. An employee of an institution who is not a member of the faculty or administration is not governed under the Board’s policy on leaves of absence for faculty members.

Length of Leaves. Leaves of absence, other than for military leave, shall not exceed one year at a time. Faculty personnel on military leave (or special leave for war-connected service) from the institution shall be reemployed by the institution at the beginning of the next semester (or quarter) after the date on which the institution head shall receive written notification that such person wishes to return to his/her position, provided that such notification shall be given within 40 days after honorable discharge or termination of assignment from the armed forces.

Sabbatical Leave. Provision for leave with pay for the purpose of professional or cultural improvement, or for the purpose of renewal, is a well-established administrative device intended to improve the quality of higher education professional service. The Board recognizes that such a policy is justifiable and desirable and, therefore, provides for leaves of absence for full-time members of the faculty under the conditions specified below:


“Faculty” is defined in LSA-R.S. 17:3304 as follows: “Members of the instructional staff of each College and University having the rank of instructor or higher and persons engaged in library, artistic, research, and investigative positions of equal dignity, shall constitute the faculty of each College and University. The head of each College or University and its academic officers shall be members of the faculty.”


For the purpose of professional or cultural improvement, or renewal, this leave may be granted for three quarters (52 weeks for 12-month employees). It may be granted following any six or more consecutive fiscal years of active service in the institution where such individual is employed. An individual may not accumulate time in an attempt to qualify for more than one consecutive year of such leave. Leave also may be granted for one quarter (13 weeks for 12-month employees) following three or more consecutive years of such service by an individual, provided that absence due to sick leave shall not be deemed to interrupt the active service provided for herein. A sabbatical leave taken during a summer session shall be considered a quarter for leave purposes.

The compensation from the State for the period of leave approved shall be at the rate of not more than 75% of the salary the individual will receive during the current fiscal year for the period of time leave is applied for and granted. Employers and employees shall contribute to the retirement system on the basis of full annual salary rate. Compensation payable to persons on leave shall be paid at the times at which salaries of the other members of the teaching staff are paid and in the same manner.

In those cases where the faculty member or administrator receives outside compensation, such payment is to be approved in writing and in advance by the President as supportive of the purposes of the leave. If outside compensation plus paid leave would exceed the regular salary, the leave pay will be reduced so that the institution will pay no leave if the outside compensation equals or exceeds the regular pay. But, nothing shall prevent the faculty from being remunerated by outside agencies at higher rates than his/her regular pay.

After each leave period is completed, evidence as determined by the institution must be submitted to the appropriate supervisor to indicate that the purpose for which the leave was granted has been achieved.

At no time during any quarter of an academic year shall the number of persons on leave with pay (except sick leave) exceed 5% of the total faculty.

In accepting a leave of absence with pay, the faculty member shall be understood to assume a legal obligation as listed in Acts 1991, 858 (R.S.17:3328) to return to the institution for at least one year of further service. A copy of this rule shall be included in the institution faculty handbook and made known to each applicant for such leave.

Individuals accepting sabbatical leave (with pay) are cautioned about prohibitions against dual appointments or dual employment as described in LSA-R.S.42:63. Sabbatical leave shall be granted only with prior Board approval.

Leave Without Pay. Leave without pay may be granted for a maximum of one year at a time upon recommendation of the institution to the System President and with the approval of the Board.

Forfeiture of Tenure or Employment. Refusal by a faculty member or administrator to comply with the provisions of this leave and sabbatical leave policy shall result in the forfeiture of tenure and/or employment.

Please use the University of Louisiana SYS Request For Leave Of Absence and Sabbatical Agreement or visit the following link to access:
