Policy 2102 – Recruitment of Faculty
Revisions Date: 02/27/2020
Last Review: 02/27/2020
Responsible Office: Provost
Reference: Board of Supervisors Policies and Procedures Memoranda FS.III.II.B,C,D-1
Recognizing the validity of the thesis that no instructional program can be better than those who do the instruction regardless of the environment, Louisiana Tech University is committed to the policy of recruitment of those individuals who have proven capabilities or who show great promise in teaching and research, without regard to race, gender, religion, color, national origin, age, disability, marital status, or veteran status. Recruitment is done by the Directors/Unit Heads and the Dean of the particular discipline having a vacancy or new position. It is the responsibility of the Director/Unit Head to report to the Dean concerning a vacancy or possible vacancy. Faculty positions that become vacant are subject to reconsideration by the central administration. If approval is granted to advertise to fill a new position or a vacant position, the Director/Unit Head will initiate a search for the most qualified available candidate to fill the position. A recommendation to employ will be submitted to the Provost for approval.
In addition, the following policies have been adopted concerning the filling of faculty and administrative positions:
Not Applicable.
Tenure, Tenure-Track, and Lecturer Hiring
Committees to recommend the wording of position descriptions should be appointed by the Unit Head and approved by the Dean, with preference given to tenured faculty.
Positions should be advertised in appropriate publications. Certainly, the Chronicle of Higher Education (where applicable) would be an excellent source, as well as appropriate professional national journals, and job-lists for the particular field involved.
The search committee, appointed by the Unit Head and approved by the Dean, should have an opportunity to review all applications and make recommendations to the Unit Head and Dean.
No person holding a year-to-year non-tenure track position should be moved to a tenure or tenure-track position without following the above-mentioned procedure.
Instructor and Adjunct Hiring
Persons whose primary responsibilities lie outside the University or in another capacity with the University may be appointed on a part-time, temporary basis as adjunct professors, adjunct associate professors, adjunct assistant professors, and adjunct instructors as appropriate and needed to supplement the University’s instructional programs. Renewal of instructor appointments is reviewed each academic year and recommended to the Provost.