
Policy 2105 – Louisiana Board of Regents Support Fund Endowed Professorships

Revision Date: 11/22/2004

Original Effective Date: 8/1992

Responsible Office: Provost

Reference: Board of Regents

Endowed Professorships are established for the purpose of providing an annual funding
source to enhance program and faculty development. Holders of the professorships should
be of such quality and professional stature as to provide excellence in program leadership
and bring national and international recognition to the University.

Louisiana Tech has received donor gifts and matching funds from the Board of Regents
to establish more than 190 endowed professorships.

Future Considerations

Professorships are not filled until earnings have accumulated so that an actual budget
can be established. The Associate Vice President for Finance and Comptroller will
be responsible for monitoring the earnings and expenditure levels to maintain the
integrity of the professorship. If necessary due to a reduction in income available,
professorship awards may be adjusted from one year to the next. Guidelines provide
for the combining of professorships in like disciplines in order to provide an increased
source of earnings.

Except under defensible, extenuating circumstances, a time limitation of no more than
two years shall elapse from the funding of a professorship until it is awarded. If
an endowed professorship should become vacant the same rule shall apply – a maximum
of two years is allowed to make the award.

Nominations Procedure

  1. An endowed professor nominee must have a record of excellence in teaching, research,
    and service. This excellence and the basis for the nominations must be carefully documented
    in the nomination materials. Such documentation shall include specific qualifications
    of the nominee and proposed professional activities designed to meet the goals established
    for the professorship.
  2. Nominations will be submitted by the head of the department or college, as appropriate,
    to which the endowed professorship is assigned. Faculty members holding the ranks
    of assistant professor, associate professor, and professor are eligible for consideration.
    A department or college committee may be established to review applicants and forward
    a nomination recommendation.
  3. Appointments can be made for one- to five-year terms with reappointment possible.
    Reappointments will require support documentation and submission through appropriate
    channels. A professorship may be filled, in accordance with approved procedures, if
    an appointment is vacated prior to term completion.


  1. Nominations and conditions of appointment must be approved by the Dean, Provost, and
    President prior to award notification. After such approval, the conditions of the
    appointment, including term of award, any renewal provisions, any additional salary,
    and any amounts which can be expended for non-salary items, will be specified in a
    written letter to the nominee informing him or her of the designation. The determination
    of the support to be provided will be made in relation to the goals of the holder
    and the unit.
  2. If applicable, a completed appointment form should be prepared showing the portion
    of endowed earnings to be allocated as salary supplement. An account and budget from
    which to expend any funds allowed for faculty development should be established by
    memo to the Associate Vice President for Finance and Comptroller. Such expenditures
    must be made in accordance with State and University regulations and approved by appropriate


  1. Faculty selected to professorships should be identified with the respective professorship
    title in news releases, presentations, and publications. An additional sentence “The
    XXXX Professorship is made available through the State of Louisiana Board of Regents
    Support Fund” should also be included.
  2. Recognition of donors and interaction with donors and the recipient/unit/college/university
    should be promoted.


A review and discussion of the established goals and related professional activities
for the professorship will be included as part of the annual faculty evaluation procedure.
Failure to meet the conditions of appointment can result in termination of the professorship.

Reports assessing the accomplishments of each professorship are to be submitted to
the Board of Regents. The respective academic unit will be responsible for preparation
of such reports as required.