
Policy 2106 – Workload Policy

Revision Date:  1/7/2021
Last Review:  1/7/2021
Original Effective Date: 1/2001
Responsible Office: Provost
Reference:  Council of Academic Deans


A faculty member’s responsibilities may include teaching, research or creative activity, and professional and University service. Faculty workloads may vary but are directed
toward fulfilling the principal goals of the University and the Department. The head of the academic unit, with approval of the Dean of the College, has the responsibility
for determining the workload of the faculty. In considering individual faculty workload, time must be allocated to meet assigned responsibilities in the functions of instruction, research, and service. Additional time for research or service can be supported by external funds. In these instances, externally funded salary support should be provided equal to the accompanying reduction of expectations for service or instruction. Additional time for research activities can also be supported by the Department, and consequent reduction of expectations for service or instruction should be related to the Department’s mission.




A base of nine credit hours per quarter or 27 credit hours per academic year will be the reference load for requesting and documenting a teaching load reduction. As part of the annual evaluation conference, the Unit Head/Director and faculty member will discuss expectations and performance. Budget revisions, if needed, relative to the allocated percentage of time to instruction and research will also be discussed at the annual conference.