
Policy 4200 – Safety Policy

Revision Date: 11/1/2011

Responsible Office: Environmental Health and Safety

It is the policy of the Administration of Louisiana Tech University to provide a work
and educational environment which is free from recognized hazards that are or can
be responsible for injury or illness. In addition, it is essential that the assets
of the University be protected from losses which could result in loss to equipment,
research, materials, or buildings. To coordinate these policies, an extensive loss
control program has been established as part of the total administrative effort.

Responsibility for the implementation of this program is assigned to the Environmental
Health & Safety Department. They will work with the guidance and advice of the University
Safety Committee to provide programs for the recognition, evaluation, and control
of hazards and potential losses. The ultimate responsibility for safety, however,
cannot be delegated as a staff function; it must be assumed by every member of the
University community. Each individual is expected to comply with all identified life
safety and health standards and all rules and regulations pursuant to our policy for
the prevention of accidents and job-related illness.

Deans, Directors, Department Heads, and other supervisors are required to be continuously
cognizant of the health and safety needs of their personnel and are responsible for
initiating the necessary preventative and corrective measures to minimize safety hazards
associated with activities under their direction. It is essential that all supervisory
personnel accept this responsibility for the safety of all persons coming into their
areas and for the safety of all personnel under their jurisdiction. In addition, whenever
possible, safety should be incorporated as an integral part of all courses in which
their is a potential for hazard from accidental injury or illness in the classrooms,
laboratories, or shops.