
Important dates

Fall quarter 2018 – Sept. 5 to Nov. 17

Aug. 1

  • Undergraduate applications due 
  • Early registration – Continuing, active duty, and DOD students 
  • Passes – All continuing civilian students will be issued application for base passes concurrent with registration (available through Sept. 10)

Aug. 14

  • Registration and base passes at Academic Success Center (BPCC campus) for all new civilian students – 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2-4:30 p.m. Applications for Base Passes will be issued on this day only for new civilian students. Students registering at the Academic Success Center must pay tuition at the time of registration.

Aug. 30

  • Air Force Tuition Assistance must be approved. Failure to pay for classes or failure to attend classes does not automatically drop a student from a course or withdraw a student from the university or cancel a student’s indebtedness incurred by registration.  It is the student’s responsibility to initiate the necessary paperwork to drop or resign.

Refund calendar

Students who resign (drop all classes) or drop individual classes before close of offices on:

  • Tuesday, Sept. 4 – 100% refund of registration fees
  • Friday, Sept. 14 – 70% refund of registration fees
  • Friday, Sept. 21 – 40% refund of registration fees

 No refund after Friday, Sept. 21

Drops, adds, and resignations

Students are responsible for completing the proper forms in the Tech office if dropping a course, adding a course, or resigning from all courses.  Students using Air Force tuition assistance must have the forms approved by the Base Education Office and personally return the forms to the Tech office.

Other information

Key information

  • Effective Oct. 10, 2017, all new base pass applicants must present a Real ID compliant form of identification to receive a base pass.  Passports are acceptable forms of ID as well as state driver’s license which meet the standards of the Real ID Act of 2005.
  • Admission criteria requires all new students to present a high school and any college transcripts prior to being admitted to the university.
  • Application fees are now waived for all active duty military, veterans, retirees, guard, and reserve members.
  • All registration forms must have the signature of an advisor.
  • Plan early to meet with an advisor to discuss your plan of study.

Placement tests

Math placement tests are required unless credit has been earned for the equivalent of Math 100. A developmental math course is not required if your minimum ACT/SAT sub-score is ≥ 19/460. 

 English placement tests are required unless credit has been earned for the equivalent of English 101. A developmental English course is not required if your minimum ACT/SAT sub-score is ≥ 18/450. 

Call 318.456.5005 or 18.456.5006 for an appointment to take the placement exam.

Student classification

Junior – 60-89 Semester hours

Senior – 90 Semester hours – graduation

Classroom rules

Food and beverages are not allowed in any base classroom.

Student parking

Parking is available in the lot between Chapel 2 and Burger King, along Louisiana Boulevard north of the Education Building and in the lot on Kenney Avenue east of the dormitory complex.

Returned checks

The penalty for a check returned for insufficient funds is $15.  Failure to pay the amount of the check and the penalty will result in suspension. The reinstatement fee for a suspended student is also $15.

Barksdale tuition

$208 per semester credit hour