Thesis and Dissertation Information

Graduate students completing a thesis or dissertation as part of their degree program should check with their academic college for specific requirements. All published deadlines for submission of a thesis or dissertation to the Graduate School and Library must be met for any given quarter.

Submission Deadlines

The deadlines for thesis/dissertation review and approval at the college and Graduate School levels are provided at the link below (to be updated at the beginning of each academic year). Doctoral students must also complete and submit a ProQuest Publication Agreement form when submitting the dissertation to the Prescott Library for binding. For details, visit their site.

2023-2024 Deadlines


Approved theses and dissertations are made available to the public both electronically and in hard copy format through the Library. For this reason, these documents are required to conform to certain strict formatting requirements. Students preparing a thesis or dissertation should consult the guidelines for formatting a thesis or dissertation.  Some colleges have more specific guidelines in addition to the Graduate School thesis guidelines and students should consult with their college to ensure compliance.


A template for thesis and dissertation is available. Use of the template is not mandatory but if you use it correctly, a number of formatting issues will be automatically addressed. Instructions for using the template correctly will soon be provided. If you choose to use the template:

  1. Download this “read me” file first.
  2. ANS and COES students – download this template by right-clicking on this link and save the template to your computer.
  3. CEHS students should use the APA template. Download by right-clicking on this link and save the template to your computer.
  4. COB and COLA students should consult their Directors of Graduate Studies to determine which template to use.

We also have a LaTEX template that can be requested by email from This template is from 2013, and is distributed “as is” with no guarantee that it fully conforms to the guidelines.

Other Resources

Check if your document meets formatting requirements by using this checklist. Please note that the format used for references in the Bibliography section of your document is up to you and your advisor or your college. The screenshot shown in the checklist is for illustration only.

Students in the College of Education and Human Sciences should review the guidelines at this link provided by the College.

If your document includes mathematical equations, the equation guide provided at this link may be useful.

Paper and Binding Fees

Your document should be printed on 20 or 24 lb white bond paper with at least 25% cotton content. The current binding fees (and ProQuest submission fees) can be found here.