BME Access Request Procedures

Whether it is to conduct research with a professor or to complete a course requiring special lab access, each student or new faculty member wishing to do so within the new biomedical engineering building MUST complete the BME SAFETY TRAINING.

Training is now offered online on Moodle. Students and faculty should have their accounts already set up.

Login here

Step 1: Click “ALL courses” in the left panel under the MY COURSES tab.
Step 2: Click “Miscellaneous
Step 3: In the search box type “BME Safety”
Step 4: Click on the course.
Step 5: Complete the power point presentation- noting the instructions at the end of the course.
Step 6: Complete the quiz- you must make 100% to print the certificate. You may complete this as many times as necessary.
Step 7: Print, Sign, and complete: Certificate, Access Request Form, and Student agreement, and bring to the safety director- BME 129 or leave in the box outside the door.

If you have questions or problems contact the BME Safety Officer at 318.257.5206.

Lab Safety

Each lab member is responsible for following all policies and procedures associated with making the lab a safe environment for all. Students working in a professor’s research lab must sign and return the:

PI and Grad Student Guidelines” form. These forms can be turned into the safety officer or department director.

Quarterly lab inspections will be performed by the safety officer and reported to the director. Any infractions must be corrected immediately. Uncorrected issues and blatant disregard of the rules will result in the cut-off of student/faculty lab access. The inspection will consist of the following checklist- please check this sheet to be sure your lab meets requirements.

If you need to report a building problem or hazard please contact Dr. James Palmer at or 318.257.4420.

Other Considerations: Other approval needed?

For research involving human subjects, animals, biohazards or ethical concerns, be sure to check with various compliance committees on the office or research page.

Compliance Review Boards

Research Compliance and Institutional Review Boards

Conflicts of Interest: Louisiana Tech University and its employees are committed to the principle of free, open, and objective inquiry in the conduct of its research mission. It is essential that University activities be conducted in an atmosphere that is free of conflicts of interest compromising this principle. For the purpose of protecting both the integrity and objectivity of its employees in the performance of their University obligations, it is the policy of the University that conflicts of interest should be avoided where possible, or otherwise disclosed and managed.

The Biosafety and Radionuclide Institutional Review Committee ensures that research involving DNA adheres to the NIH guidelines and other applicable Federal and State requirements and must be conducted with appropriate safeguards against environmental release and for the protection of research personnel. Louisiana Tech also seeks to ensure that all hazards associated with teaching or research be identified, monitored, and controlled.

The Human Use Committee ensures that the University follows the regulations for the protection of human research subjects as set forth by the Department of Health and Human Services. All research projects involving human subjects, both sponsored and non-sponsored projects, must be reviewed and approved by the Institutional Review Board for Use of Human Research Subjects before the research project is initiated as well as periodically during the conduct of the research project. If applicable, the findings of this committee must be addressed in the body of the proposal and often may be required on the cover page.

The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee oversees the welfare of any animals used in experimental research, their care and facilities, as directed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the National Institutes of Health.

Conflicts Of Interest

University Policies Related to Conflicts of Interest in Research

Conflict of interest in research involves situations in which an investigator (faculty, staff, or student) has a significant financial interest that may compromise, or have the appearance of compromising, professional judgment in the design, conduct, or reporting of research.

  • Outside Employment of University Employees (Policy 1416)
  • Misconduct in Scientific Research or Research (Policy 7113)
  • Conflict of Significant Financial Interest (Policy 7114)
  • Authorizing Contracts Between the University and a Member of the Faculty, Research Staff, or Coaching Staff or a Company in Which the Employee had an Interest Under Specified Circumstances (Policy 7119)

Federal Conflict of Interest Regulations

  • Public Health Service (including NIH) Investigator Objectivity in Research Regulation, found here

Biosafety and Radionuclide Institutional Review Committee

Any activities conducted by personnel or students at Louisiana Tech University which may cause harm to humans, other animals or to plants must be approved by the Louisiana Tech University Biosafety and Radioisotope Institutional Review Committee. These activities include:
  1. Purchase, storage, use, and disposal of recombinant DNA, including transgenic animals or plants;
  2. Purchase, storage, use, and disposal of microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, parasites or  fungi) that are potentially infectious to humans, other animals, or plants;
  3. Purchase, storage, use, and disposal of biological toxins;
  4. Purchase, storage, use, and disposal of human and other mammalian tissue, including blood and other body fluids;
  5. Purchase, use, storage, and disposal  of radionuclides
  6. Purchase, use, storage, and disposal of pesticides or herbicides.
  7. Purchase, storage, use and disposal of euthanizing agents
  8. Purchase, storage, production and/or the use, and disposal of nanoparticles;
  9. Field release of a plant pest or genetically modified organisms.

This Committee must verify that all personnel involved with these activities will adhere to the appropriate federal, state, and local regulations, are trained in the proper use of these agents, that all hazards associated with these uses have been identified, and that these hazards will be controlled and monitored.  The Committee must also be assured that these activities are conducted with appropriate safeguards to prohibit environmental release and that all personnel, including students and members of the community, are protected from these agents.

Under no circumstances should any of these agents be purchased, produced, stored, used or disposed of for any university activity without the approval of the BRIRC.

For more information contact, Martha Stevens at 318.257.2938 or Forms should be routed to Mrs. Stevens in Wyly Tower 1634 to expedite approval. Questions related to the review can be directed to Don Braswell (BRIRC Committee Chair) at 318.257.2120 or

Human Use Committee

The Human Use Committee is pleased to serve the University by striving to ensure that research projects involving human subjects comply with governmental, legal and University guidelines. As you know, this compliance protects the researcher and the University as well as the research subjects.

In an effort to facilitate Committee approval, the Human Use Committee adopted standardized forms to assist researchers. The use of these forms will make submission of projects to the Committee easier, faster and more likely to meet speedy approval. (See Section D. Human Use Compliance Forms).

Please find references and resources information below for your review and use. Please duplicate as necessary and distribute them to your faculty, staff, and anyone doing research projects.

References and Resources

Human Subjects Forms Package

Forms should be routed to Office of Sponsored Projects (Keeny Hall, #418) to expedite approval. If you need additional information, contact Barbara Talbot at 318.257.5075. Questions related to the review can be directed to Richard Kordal, Dir. of Intellectual Property and Commercialization (OIPC) at 318.257.2484 or

Study/Project Information for Human Subjects Committee

This form provides the suggested outline for the abstract of the project. The researchers are encouraged to retype the outline, using as much space for each section as their project requires.

Human Subjects Consent Form

This form provides the recommended format for the Consent Form. Once again, please retype using as much space as your project requires. Also, include samples of any questionnaire or form you intend to use.

Department Head Approved Form

A Department Head Approval Form has been provided for duplication and use.

Educational Resource/Training

  • A publication issued by the U. S. Department of Energy entitled “Protecting Human Research Subjects” has also been included as a handy general reference guide.
  • An educational video featuring three programs can be checked out from the Office of University Research. This video includes Evolving Concern: Protection for Human Subjects, Balancing Society’s Mandates: Criteria for Protocol Review, and The Belmont Report: Basic Ethical Principles and their Application.

Human Use IRB Committee

The Committee encourages submission at least two weeks before the research begins and annually thereafter. Contact Richard Kordal, Dir. of Intellectual Property and Commercialization (OIPC) at 318.257.2484 or to answer any questions you may have regarding the review process.

Policy 7108 Use of Human Subjects

Louisiana Tech University has filed an Assurance of Compliance with the Department of Health and Human Services regarding its implementation of the provisions of the regulations for the protection of human research subjects. All research projects involving human subjects, both sponsored and non-sponsored projects, must be reviewed and approved by the Institutional Review Board for Use of Human Research Subjects before the research project is initiated as well as periodically during the conduct of the research project. A faculty member planning to conduct a research project or to supervise a student’s research project that will involve the use of human subjects should contact the Chair of the Human Use Committee and the Dean of the Graduate School and University Research to secure the criteria to which he/she must adhere.

The complete policy and procedure can be found under section E of the Research Policies and Procedures page.

Other Related Resources

E: Human Use Compliance Forms

Institutional Animal Care And Use

The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee oversees the welfare of any animals used in experimental research, their care and facilities, as directed by the U. S. Department of Agriculture and the National Institutes of Health.

All Louisiana Tech University research involving animal subjects must be reviewed by the Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) of Louisiana Tech University prior to research and regardless of funding source. The findings of this committee must be addressed in the body of the proposal and may often be required on the agency cover page.

References and Resources

IACUC Form & Committee

Forms should be routed to University Research to expedite approval. If you need additional information, contact Martha Stevens at 318.257.2938.

Policy 7109 Animal Welfare

Louisiana Tech University has filed an Assurance of Compliance with the NIH Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW— formerly OPRR) regarding its implementation of the provisions of the regulations for the protection of animal research subjects and is registered with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agriculture Research Service, Animal Health Division; the institution meets the criteria described in the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts, No. 7, June 14, 1971; Public Health Service Publication No. 1024, Guide for Laboratory Animal Facilities and Care. All research projects involving animal subjects, both sponsored and non-sponsored projects, must be reviewed and approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) before the research project is initiated as well as periodically during the conduct of the research project. A faculty member planning to use animals in experimental research should contact the Chair of the IACUC and the Dean of the Graduate School and University Research to secure the criteria to which he/she must adhere.

The complete policy and procedure can be found here (7109).