Library Employment

Full-Time Unclassified


Full-Time Classified

Prescott Library has Civil Service support staff positions which are filled through the Personnel Office at Louisiana Tech University.  Available positions are advertised and interested applicants must have completed the state Civil Service test required for the position.  Any interested applicant can arrange for an interview once they have been contacted by the Personnel Office notifying them they are an eligible candidate for an advertised position.  The Library must follow state Civil Service guidelines when filling Civil Service positions.

Part-Time Graduate Assistants

Graduate students in the Library assist with building security, student assistant supervision, work related to the circulation of information and Library supervision when full-time staff is not on duty. Graduate assistantships are twelve (12) month appointments which require working twenty hours per week. Applications for graduate assistantships are available at the Circulation Desk on the main floor of Prescott Library or online by clicking here.

Part-Time Student

Any questions concerning student employment in Prescott Memorial Library should be directed to the Library’s Administration Office (second floor PML).