Library Instruction


Instruction Sessions

University faculty may request a special class session with instruction tailored to course objectives and students’ needs. If so desired, you may complete and submit an online request form (below) or contact one of following college librarians:

Effective Library Instruction in the Electronic Classroom

Library instruction is more effective when it complements your instruction and meets your expectations for a particular research project or paper. The Electronic Classroom affords your students opportunities for active learning during demonstrations and, time permitting, hands-on practice. Working together would help us to customize a class session, or more than one, that will benefit everyone involved. To allow us to prepare a session which is tailored to your course and helpful to your students, please give us at least 2 weeks notice.

Tours for University Visitors

Supervised classes of high school juniors and seniors undertaking research projects and community clubs or groups visiting the Louisiana Tech campus may request an orientation to the facilities and resources of Prescott Memorial Library in accordance with library policy below. Please read the following information carefully and call if you have any questions or concerns.

Schedule a tour by contacting Boris Teske 318.257.2992 at least two weeks in advance of the requested date.  The library reserves the right to decline requests due to scheduling conflicts.

Bibliographic instruction in use of the library’s resources is available for high school juniors or seniors only.  Students engaged in research projects will be given brief instruction in the use of reference and research materials and may have the opportunity to work independently in the library.  Classes should be limited to 30 students.  Adult chaperones should accompany and remain with those students for the duration of the library visit.

Teachers are asked to provide:

  • Arrival and departure time
  • Number of students and supervising adults
  • Topics and/or types of information needed by students

Please advise students to:

  • Abide by library policies while in the building
  • Use library computers for research only…games, chat sessions, and other recreational uses are not permitted.  Please note that the library does NOT use Internet filters on its computers.
  • Bring money (10¢ a page) for photocopying from journals or books
  • Make use of resources during the visit because materials cannot be checked out or accessed from their home computers

Financial responsibility is borne by the visiting school for any damage or theft of the library resources caused by its students.

Group meeting rooms must be requested in advance of the visit. Class meetings cannot be held except in previously arranged meeting rooms.

Request a Session

University instructors may arrange sessions for course-related user education taught by librarians. Please complete the form below for each session desired.

Library: Request a Session Contact

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