Louisiana Resources
The state’s online resource for information about emergency situations in Louisiana, general information for the public, and updates for the media.
Louisiana Department of Culture, Recreation & Tourism
Louisiana is rich in culture and history, and this website is a great starting point for anyone who wants to experience this unique state.
Louisiana Department of Education
This site includes resources for students, parents, teachers, administrators, businesses, and the LA Board of Elementary and Secondary Education.
Louisiana Department of Health
The mission of the Department of Health is to protect and promote health and to ensure access to medical, preventive, and rehabilitative services for all citizens of the State of Louisiana.
Louisiana Department of Revenue
Louisiana tax forms and instructions.
LOUISiana Digital Library
The LOUISiana Digital Library (LDL) is an online library of over 84,000 digital materials about Louisiana’s history, culture, places, and people.
Official state web page which includes information on state agencies, regulations, and publications.
Louisiana Municipal Association
Information on Louisiana Municipalities which includes websites for many Louisiana organizations.
Louisiana National Register of Historic Places
The National Register of Historic Places is the nation’s official list of buildings, structures, objects and districts deemed worthy of preservation because they illustrate something about our nation’s history or culture. Louisiana has over 1,100 entries on this list.
Louisiana Secretary of State
The Louisiana Secretary of State site includes News and links to Administration, All Around Louisiana, Archives, Commercial, Commissions, Elections, Museums, Notaries, Publications, Web Archives, Press Releases, Telephone and E-mail Directories.
Louisiana State Legislature
Site of current Louisiana House and Senate Bills, Acts of Legislature.
Office of State Inspector General
The mission of the Louisiana State Office of Inspector General is to help prevent and detect waste, mismanagement, abuse, fraud, and corruption in the executive branch of state government without regard to partisan politics, allegiances, status, or influence.
State Library of Louisiana
Historical depository of state documents.
Supreme Court of Louisiana
Legal resources for Louisiana, court rules, dockets, etc.
Volunteer Louisiana
Search for volunteer/community service opportunities by interest or zip code!