Get Items from Other Libraries


The Louisiana Academic Library Information Network Consortium (LALINC) provides participating libraries with a program which will enable students and faculty from one university to check out materials from another university’s library.

Current Tech students and faculty need to fill out a LALINC Reciprocal Borrowing Card Application and return it to the Circulation Desk located on the main floor of the library. A valid Tech I.D. must be presented at the time the form is submitted. Cards are processed during regular weekday hours from 8:00 4:00 p.m., but we ask that you allow about a day before returning to the Circulation Desk to pick up your card.

Only Tech students and faculty with a good loan history are given the privilege of having a LALINC card. Patrons receiving LALINC cards will be given a chart of participating libraries, a LALINC Reciprocal Borrowing brochure, and must follow the borrowing policies of each individual library.

NOTE: Printed copies of these materials are available at the Circulation Desk located on the main floor of the library. Contact Bob Woody at, or call 318-257-3555 if you have any questions.

InterLibrary Loan

InterLibrary Loan is an information resource delivery service provided by Prescott Memorial Library to enrolled students and employees of Louisiana Tech University. This service obtains from other libraries requested research resources, such as books on loan and photocopied or digitally scanned journal articles, when the Library does not own a copy or the rights to electronic access. To fill your requests, this service uses OCLC, a national online network of over 20,000 libraries and a database of over 37 million records. There is no faster or larger network available in the United States.

Before making a request, confirm that the Library does not already own a copy of the desired item, or provide online access to it. Search the Library’s catalog for books or LinkSource for journals.