Property Cost Center Listing
Cost Center Sorted by Cost Center Number
Cost Center Number |
Cost Center Name |
120111 | President |
120113 | Vice President Academic Affairs |
120117 | Division Of Finance |
120118 | Division Of Admin & Facilities |
120119 | Chief Information Officer |
120124 | Internal Audit |
120125 | Institutional Effectiveness |
120127 | Campus Engineer |
120140 | Information Systems Office |
120150 | Human Resources |
120155 | Property |
120160 | Purchasing |
120165 | Environmental/Safety |
120201 | Vice President Student Affairs |
120211 | Dean Of Student Life |
120220 | Admissions |
120221 | Registrar |
120222 | Enrollment Management |
120240 | Financial Aid |
120252 | Band |
120325 | University Communications |
120330 | Division Of University Advancement |
120352 | Post Office |
120411 | Farm |
120437 | Early Childhood Education Center |
120441 | Information Technology |
120446 | Nuclear Center |
120601 | Library |
120967 | Institute for Micromanufacturing |
120968 | Shreveport Center |
121001 | Operation & Maintenance Administration |
121005 | Custodial Services |
121010 | Maintenance Of Buildings |
121050 | Maintenance Of Grounds |
121090 | University Police |
121255 | Technical Services |
122150 | Technology Business Development Center |
122205 | Office Of Sponsored Projects |
122208 | Research And Partnerships |
122209 | Innovation Enterprise |
122210 | Graduate School, Dean |
122224 | FYE |
122230 | Blue Fire QEP |
122235 | University Honors Program |
122251 | Air Science |
122300 | Bossier-Shreveport Operations |
122306 | Dual Enrollment |
122400 | Barksdale Program |
122501 | College of Business |
123001 | College of Liberal Arts |
123105 | Art |
123110 | Architecture |
123115 | English |
123120 | Modern Languages |
123125 | History |
123134 | School Of Performing Arts |
123135 | Music |
123140 | School Of Communication |
123245 | Professional Aviation |
123250 | Social Sciences |
123501 | College of Education and Human Sciences |
123510 | Education Outreach & External/Scitech |
123615 | Kinesiology |
123625 | Psychology & Behavioral Sciences |
123630 | Curriculum, Instruction & Leadership |
124001 | College Of Engineering & Sciences |
124101 | Biomedical Engineering |
124111 | Chemical Engineering |
124116 | Civil Engineering |
124121 | Electrical Engineering |
124131 | Industrial Engineering |
124133 | Computer Science |
124136 | Mechanical Engineering |
124220 | Chemistry |
124225 | Mathematics & Statistics |
124240 | Physics |
125001 | College of Applied & Natural Sciences |
125106 | Agricultural Sciences Technology & Education |
125116 | Biological Sciences |
125126 | School Of Forestry |
125146 | Nursing |
125150 | Human Ecology |
125156 | School of Communication Sciences and Disorders |
125202 | Health Information Management |
220280 | Student Health Center |
220295 | Student Government Association |
220296 | Union Board |
220297 | KLPI |
220350 | Telephone System |
220420 | Meats Laboratory |
220431 | Lab School |
220460 | University Facilities Events |
221101 | Center for Information Technology |
221231 | Plant Stores |
221248 | Tech Express/Id System |
221251 | Motor Pool |
221261 | Office Service Center |
3505 | Professional Development and Research Institute on Blindness (PDRIB) |
4117 | Trenchless Technology Center |
621242 | Power Plant |
621801 | Intercollegiate Athletics |
622033 | Residential Life |
622040 | Aramark Food Services |
622070 | Bookstore |
622080 | Student Activities |
622090 | Recreational Activities |
Cost Center Sorted by Cost Center Name
Cost Center Name |
Cost Center Number |
Admissions | 120220 |
Agricultural Sciences Technology & Education | 125106 |
Air Science | 122251 |
Aramark Food Services | 622040 |
Architecture | 123110 |
Art | 123105 |
Band | 120252 |
Barksdale Program | 122400 |
Baseball | 621840 |
Biological Sciences | 125116 |
Biomedical Engineering | 124101 |
Bookstore | 622070 |
Bossier-Shreveport Operations | 122300 |
Campus Engineer | 120127 |
Center for Information Technology | 221101 |
Chemical Engineering | 124111 |
Chemistry | 124220 |
Chief Information Officer | 120119 |
Civil Engineering | 124116 |
College of Applied & Natural Sciences | 125001 |
College of Business | 122501 |
College of Education and Human Sciences | 123501 |
College Of Engineering & Sciences | 124001 |
College of Liberal Arts | 123001 |
Computer Science | 124133 |
Curriculum, Instruction & Leadership | 123630 |
Custodial Services | 121005 |
Dean Of Student Life | 120211 |
Division Of Admin & Facilities | 120118 |
Division Of Finance | 120117 |
Division Of University Advancement | 120330 |
Dual Enrollment | 122306 |
Early Childhood Education Center | 120437 |
Education Outreach & External/Scitech | 123510 |
Electrical Engineering | 124121 |
English | 123115 |
Enrollment Management | 120222 |
Environmental/Safety | 120165 |
Farm | 120411 |
Financial Aid | 120240 |
FYE | 122224 |
Graduate School, Dean | 122210 |
Health Information Management | 125202 |
History | 123125 |
Human Ecology | 125150 |
Human Resources | 120150 |
Industrial Engineering | 124131 |
Information Systems Office | 120140 |
Information Technology | 120441 |
Innovation Enterprise | 122209 |
Institute for Micromanufacturing | 120967 |
Institutional Effectiveness | 120125 |
Intercollegiate Athletics | 621801 |
Internal Audit | 120124 |
Kinesiology | 123615 |
KLPI | 220297 |
Lab School | 220431 |
Library | 120601 |
Maintenance Of Buildings | 121010 |
Maintenance Of Grounds | 121050 |
Mathematics & Statistics | 124225 |
Meats Laboratory | 220420 |
Mechanical Engineering | 124136 |
Modern Languages | 123120 |
Motor Pool | 221251 |
Music | 123135 |
Nuclear Center | 120446 |
Nursing | 125146 |
Office Of Sponsored Projects | 122205 |
Office Service Center | 221261 |
Operation & Maintenance Administration | 121001 |
Physics | 124240 |
Plant Stores | 221231 |
Post Office | 120352 |
Power Plant | 621242 |
President | 120111 |
Professional Aviation | 123245 |
Professional Development and Research Institute on Blindness (PDRIB) | 3505 |
Property | 120155 |
Psychology & Behavioral Sciences | 123625 |
Purchasing | 120160 |
Recreational Activities | 622090 |
Registrar | 120221 |
Research And Innovation | 122208 |
Residential Life | 622033 |
School Of Communication | 123140 |
School of Communication Sciences and Disorders | 125156 |
School Of Forestry | 125126 |
School Of Performing Arts | 123134 |
Shreveport Center | 120968 |
Social Sciences | 123250 |
Student Activities | 622080 |
Student Government Association | 220295 |
Student Health Center | 220280 |
Tech Express/Id System | 221248 |
Technical Services | 121255 |
Technology Business Development Center | 122150 |
Telephone System | 220350 |
Trenchless Technology Center | 4117 |
Union Board | 220296 |
University Communications | 120325 |
University Facilities Events | 220460 |
University Honors Program | 122235 |
University Police | 121090 |
Vice President Academic Affairs | 120113 |
Vice President Student Affairs | 120201 |