Student Organizations
Ratio Christi
The mission is to equip university students and faculty to give historical, philosophical, and scientific reasons for following Jesus Christ. The purpose of this Ratio Christi Chapter is to cultivate the intellectual voice of Christ and the Christian worldview at the university, and to do this by encouraging stimulating dialogue and intellectual investigation which aid in answering life’s pressing questions, especially where those questions find their answers supported by the academic disciplines of study including but not limited to: culture, history, science, philosophy, and theology. The goal will be to foster critical thinking, the use of logic, and evidential and philosophical tools in the pursuit of truth in understanding the world and religious beliefs. The Chapter will encourage and strengthen the faith of Christian students and faculty while sharing Christ’s message and love with those who have not yet accepted Him. Ratio Christi intends not to compete with other ministries, but it instead seeks to serve and support other ministries. The Chapter will exist as an asset for all by facilitating amicable discussions around worldview matters while taking into account the plethora of diverse paradigms and backgrounds found at the University.
Membership requirements
Membership Requirements. (a) Membership in this Chapter is open to all enrolled students at the University who commit to and promote the purposes enumerated in Article II.(found in our constitution) All members are free to leave and disassociate without fear of retribution, retaliation, or harassment. (b) Attendance at Chapter meetings alone does not confer Chapter membership. Only enrolled students of the University can vote or hold office. There will be no maximum number of members. Each member must attend at least one meeting per quarter or submit in writing to the Chapter Officers an explanation of why they are not able to attend at least one meeting. Chapter Officers will confer Chapter membership on those who request it if the Officers are satisfied that the prospective member satisfies the membership requirements. The Officers will respond in writing to the membership request and keep a written record of all current members.
* All student organizations have a minimum GPA requirement of 2.0 for general membership and 2.5 for Executive Officers.
Meeting times and location
Tentative Thursday at 5:00pm in Woodard Hall
Contact Person
Sherwon Williamson,
Campus advisor
Chris Campbell,