Student Organizations
Women in STEM
The mission of the Women in STEM is to connect, empower, and support the individuals within the organization. We seek to connect young women to others within their fields of interest, and empower them by supporting professional development. We seek to prepare strong women for their future endeavors in STEM fields.
Membership requirements
To be considered an active member of Louisiana Tech Women in STEM, the following criteria must be met. Membership Criteria includes but are not limited to: Paying the yearly $20 due by the date established by the Executive Members Supporting other women through positivity and inclusion Achieving 30 points per quarter as given by the secretary Sufficient participation in club activities (including donations, volunteer, and service projects)
* All student organizations have a minimum GPA requirement of 2.0 for general membership and 2.5 for Executive Officers.
Meeting times and location
Every other Tuesday at 5:30 in Carson Taylor 328
Contact Person
Scotland Loupe,
Campus advisor
Dr. Jamie Newman ,