Federal Stafford Loans
If you borrowed money through the Federal Stafford loan program at any time during your education, you must complete a Stafford Exit Interview BEFORE graduation. You will receive a letter notifying you of the need to complete the exit interview. Please complete the exit interview during the quarter of graduation. The Stafford exit interview may be completed via the web or in the Financial Aid Office located in Keeny Hall Room 240.
Exit Interview
Any student who borrowed a Stafford Loan at Louisiana Tech is required by law to complete a Stafford Loan Exit Interview if, at any time, the student is not enrolled at least half-time, graduates, or leaves the University (resignation, unofficial withdrawal, transferring to another school, etc).
- If you receive a notice to complete the Stafford Loan Exit Interview and you have paid off all of your Stafford Loans, please email with “Stafford Loan Exit Interview” as your subject. Include your first name, last name, CWID, and statement that you have $0 balance on your Stafford Loans.
- If you have paid off your balance as a result of a consolidation loan, you are still required to complete the Stafford Loan Exit Interview unless the consolidation loan has also been paid off.
- If you completed a Stafford Loan Exit Interview “last quarter” prior to graduation or withdrawal, you will need to complete a new exit interview. The exit interview must be completed during the quarter that you graduate.
- If you are graduating and plan to re-enroll at Louisiana Tech University for another degree program, you are still required to complete the exit interview during your graduation quarter. The student’s official transcript will not be released until the Exit Interview is completed.
- The Exit Interview can be completed online.
Federal Perkins Loans
If you borrowed money through the Federal Perkins loan program at any time during your education, you must complete Perkins Loan Exit Counseling BEFORE graduation. The exit interview may be completed via the web.
Exit Interviews
Upon graduating, dropping below half-time status, or withdrawing from the university you are required to complete an exit interview. A packet will be mailed to you either prior to graduation or after the Perkins Loan Department is notified that you have dropped below half-time status or have withdrawn from the university. Your packet will contain a copy of your repayment schedule. The repayment schedule will detail the amount borrowed through the Perkins Loan program, your monthly repayment amount, and the date repayments are scheduled to begin. Also, enclosed will be a copy of your promissory note, a Request for Deferment or Partial Cancellation of Loan form, and information concerning loan consolidation.
Once you have received this information, you should complete your exit interview counseling session. A hold will be placed on your Louisiana Tech University records until the Perkins Loan Department receives notification from Mapping Your Future that your exit interview counseling session has been completed. A hold on your Louisiana Tech University records will prevent you from re-enrolling at Louisiana Tech University or obtaining an official copy of your transcript. Click on the link below to begin your counseling session.
Mapping Your Future Online Perkins Exit Counseling
Please note that if you are graduating with an undergraduate degree and returning for graduate school, you must still complete an exit interview counseling session.